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Changing a file's "kind" (3 posts)

  • Started 8 years ago by Bill Black
  • Latest reply 8 years ago from Bill Black
  • Bill Black Member

    I use .abc music files which the Earthlink server interprets as .ABC (Alembic 3D graphics). Is there a way to change the file type in Fetch to specify text/ I realize this is probably more of a server issue than a Fetch issue but I thought I'd ask.

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    The Kind field you see in Fetch comes from an application installed on your Mac that claims to be able to edit .abc files. I suspect that if you download a .abc file to your Mac the Finder will also describe it as an Alembic 3D graphics file, since the Finder is getting that information from the same place as Fetch.

    To fix this I think you'd need to make sure that you have a music app installed on your Mac that claims the ability to edit .abc files. Then you'd want to select a .abc file in the Finder, choose Get Info, set the "Open with:" menu to the music app, and click the "Change All…" button.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 8 years ago #

  • Bill Black Member

    Thanks for the suggestion however I had already acted on it by selecting a program called EasyABC to open all the .abc files on my hard drive.

    Since I don't have Alembic on my hard drive (and didn't even know what it was until this situation arose), I was led to the conclusion that somehow the .abc files (which are all text/ were being misinterpreted by either Fetch or the server as Alembic files, which use the same suffix in upper case (I thought Unix was case-sensitive but I'm open to correction on this).

    I guess none of this matters if the Earthlink server can't handle text/ files, which apparently it can't. The workaround is to rename the files as .txt which the end user can then copy and paste into a file that (e.g.) EasyABC can open.


    Posted 8 years ago #


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