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FTP Server dropped the connection - Error uploading file (5 posts)

  • Started 16 years ago by Sam
  • Latest reply 16 years ago from Sam
  • Sam Member


    I am trying to upload (I am unsure if the file I am uploading is relevant, but I thought it would be best to say just in case) "The Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI)" to my host. Whenever I try to upload the files with Fetch it gives the following error: "Fetch could not put 'animation-debug.js' because the FTP dropped the connection."
    I have quit Fetch and uploaded again and this has not helped.

    My transcript is as follows:

    Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263) PowerPC running on Mac OS X 10.4.9 (8R218) PowerPC English
    StuffIt Engine 0x820, StuffIt SDK Version 10.1.1b1
    Expires 27/10/2007 T
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is off) (15/10/07 1:57:27 PM)
    Connected to port 21 (15/10/07 1:57:27 PM)
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 16 of 50 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 19:57. Server port: 21.
    220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    USER lolol
    331 User lolol OK. Password required
    230-User lolol has group access to: lolol
    230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
    215 UNIX Type: L8
    257 "/" is your current location
    500 Unknown command
    CWD public_html/
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
    257 "/public_html" is your current location
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,56,161)
    Making data connection to port 14497
    LIST -al
    150 Accepted data connection
    drwxr-x--- 3 lolol 99 4096 Oct 14 19:57 .
    drwx--x--x 9 lolol lolol 4096 Oct 14 19:26 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 lolol lolol 0 Oct 11 19:42 .htaccess
    drwxr-xr-x 2 lolol lolol 4096 Oct 11 19:39 cgi-bin
    226-Options: -a -l
    226 4 matches total
    CWD yui
    550 Can't change directory to yui: No such file or directory
    MKD yui
    257 "yui" : The directory was successfully created
    CWD yui
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/yui
    257 "/public_html/yui" is your current location
    CWD assets
    550 Can't change directory to assets: No such file or directory
    MKD assets
    257 "assets" : The directory was successfully created
    CWD assets
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/yui/assets
    257 "/public_html/yui/assets" is your current location
    TYPE I
    200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,64,183)
    Making data connection to port 16567
    STOR bg_hd.gif
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.308 seconds (measured here), 311.66 bytes per second
    Transfer of bg_hd.gif (96 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:39 PM
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,69,65)
    Making data connection to port 17729
    STOR dpSyntaxHighlighter.css
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.511 seconds (measured here), 7.67 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of dpSyntaxHighlighter.css (4,199 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:41 PM
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,204,20)
    Making data connection to port 52244
    STOR dpSyntaxHighlighter.js
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 1.167 seconds (measured here), 22.18 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of dpSyntaxHighlighter.js (27,311 bytes, 27,311 bytes/sec, 0:01 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:43 PM
    TYPE I
    200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,151,1)
    Making data connection to port 38657
    STOR example-hd-bg.gif
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.443 seconds (measured here), 3.28 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of example-hd-bg.gif (1,487 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:44 PM
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,175,28)
    Making data connection to port 44828
    STOR title_h_bg.gif
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.284 seconds (measured here), 320.19 bytes per second
    Transfer of title_h_bg.gif (91 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:45 PM
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,189,226)
    Making data connection to port 48610
    STOR yui-candy.jpg
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.874 seconds (measured here), 12.72 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of yui-candy.jpg (11,389 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:47 PM
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,93,248)
    Making data connection to port 24056
    STOR yui.css
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.863 seconds (measured here), 20.44 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of yui.css (18,343 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:48 PM
    TYPE I
    200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,109,91)
    Making data connection to port 27995
    STOR yui.gif
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.506 seconds (measured here), 4.68 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of yui.gif (2,425 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:50 PM
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,62,156)
    Making data connection to port 16028
    STOR yuiDistribution.css
    150 Accepted data connection
    226 File successfully transferred
    Transfer of yuiDistribution.css (0 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:51 PM
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,169,64)
    Making data connection to port 43328
    STOR YUIexamples.js
    150 Accepted data connection
    226-File successfully transferred
    226 0.258 seconds (measured here), 4.76 Kbytes per second
    Transfer of YUIexamples.js (1,290 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 15/10/07 1:57:52 PM
    CWD /public_html/yui
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/yui
    CWD build
    550 Can't change directory to build: No such file or directory
    MKD build
    257 "build" : The directory was successfully created
    CWD build
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/yui/build
    257 "/public_html/yui/build" is your current location
    CWD animation
    550 Can't change directory to animation: No such file or directory
    MKD animation
    257 "animation" : The directory was successfully created
    CWD animation
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/yui/build/animation
    257 "/public_html/yui/build/animation" is your current location
    227 Entering Passive Mode (70,87,51,250,34,240)
    Making data connection to port 8944
    STOR animation-debug.js
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful transfer of animation-debug.js (49,877/49,710 bytes, 49,877 bytes/sec, 0:01 elapsed) stopped at 15/10/07 1:57:56 PM (error: 2,-30014)
    ftp_store_close: 2,-30014 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    send_cmd():con_conn->Putline() returns 2,-50
    Update check skipped at 15/10/2007 01:59 PM (next check after 16/10/2007 04:01 AM)


    Posted 16 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator

    Hi Sam,

    The first thing I would check is to make sure you are not out of space in your account on the server. This sort of error is often caused by a lack of space to upload the files; the fact that it always stops on the same file is also indicative of that.

    If you can, try deleting some old files you are no longer using, then try uploading again.

    If this does not seem to be the problem, let us know and we can investigate further.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 16 years ago #

  • Sam Member

    Hi Scott,

    My current disk space usage is: 0.32/300.00 MB. So I don't think thats the problem. I have only recently signed up with host.


    Posted 16 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator

    Hi Sam,

    Okay, the next thing I would try is to upload something besides the "Yahoo User Interface library" to your host.

    Find some other reasaonble size file (say, at least 100K) and try to upload it, and see if you can upload it successfully - you can delete the file after you upload it.

    Let us know if that works or not.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 16 years ago #

  • Sam Member

    Hi Scott,

    I've just tried uploading a couple of things. Firstly I tried a few Php files. They were about 120K total. They uploaded fine. Then I tried uploading a picture which was about 200k and that gave the same error as before(Fetch could not put 'inquirescreen.tiff' because the FTP dropped the connection.")


    Posted 16 years ago #


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