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HTML and PHP files being considered "images" (2 posts)

  • Started 18 years ago by orangekay
  • Latest reply 18 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • orangekay Member

    First time using Fetch since System 7 was in vogue, and I'm generally pleased with its performance. The one thing I don't understand is why when I select a remote .html or .php file and click "Edit" I am presented with a warning dialog informing me that "No image editor is available. Do you want to edit the selected items with BBEdit?" Clicking the "Edit with BBEdit" button allows me to edit the file normally, but this extra sheet dismissing step is annoying.

    I then attempted to make BBEdit the "image editor" in the "Obscure" preferences pane to bypass this extraneous step, and "None" is the only choice available in the popup menu. Selecting that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

    Posted 18 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    You can work around this problem by selecting a .html file, clicking Get Info, and setting the "Edit files like this with:" menu to BBEdit. Then do the same for a .php file.

    We're working on making this more automatic.

    The reason that nothing showed up in the image editor menu is that currently the only image editor that supports remote editing is GraphicConverter, and Fetch was not able to find a copy of GraphicConverter on your system.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 18 years ago #


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