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  • Started 17 years ago by geomanmn
  • Latest reply 9 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • geomanmn Member

    OK, I'm writing copy blocks in Quark. Then compressing them in Stuffit DropStuff and they become .sitx documents. I then PUT them, using Fetch, on the server of the company for whom I'm writing the copy in the folder that bears my name. They go right in, and appear to be fine, but the folks over there can't open any of the files. HELP!!! This copy is due today, and I'm running out of ideas!

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    Usually you cannot open StuffIt (.sitx) files on an FTP server. The company needs to download them from the server and decompress them on their computers.

    If they've got Macintoshes, they can easily get StuffIt Expander if they don't have it already. If they are Windows users, Allume offers a StuffIt Expander for Windows; or, you may want to consider uploading the files as Zip files instead, which is a more common format on Windows. Fetch 5 can automatically zip the files for you on upload, or you can use the Create Archive feature of Mac OS X 10.3 or later to compress files as Zip files.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • geomanmn Member

    They have macs, and I'm quite sure they have and are using Expander. But I e-mailed your reply to them anyway. Using the instructions you gave to another guy about re-downloading Fetch, I did so and have tried another send to them. If that doesn';t work, I'm stymied! Maybe I should re-download Stuffit Deluxe too, and try again. Guess I can always attach the original Quark docs to an e-mail and send them, but I'd rather do it "right".....any other slants/ideas would be welcome. Thanks, Scott!

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    Maybe they have an older StuffIt than you do? If theirs are several versions older than yours, they might not be able to open your StuffIt files because of that. I'd recommend they download the latest version of StuffIt Expander, install it, and try again.

    You should also try downloading one of the files you uploaded, and see if you can open it successfully. If you can't, something may be going wrong with the upload. If that turns out to be the case, let us know and we can investigate further.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • Tommy Member

    Hello, here's an obscure problem that's been turning up with Fetch 5 to 5.3.1 - I've been uploading legacy downloads for classic Mac users (7.5-9.2.2) that have been encoded in classic Stuffit (SIT), but the versions of Fetch I'm registered for will re-encode them as SITX, and then they'll become an undecipherable mess that no version of Stuffit Expander can decode. I've even tried to change the extension of the file from SIT to TXT before uploading with 5.3.1 but no luck. If I upload with an old version such as Fetch 3.0.3 under Mac OS 9, there's no problem. Does anyone know if this bug has been fixed in Fetch 5.7.x?

    Posted 9 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    Try setting the upload format to "Binary (Raw Data)". If you do that the files will not be modified at all.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 9 years ago #

  • Tommy Member

    Nope, it's still occurring even though I set the upload format to "Binary (Raw Data)" -- I briefly see the Stuffit dialog box pop up and the file is converted to SITX during the upload, even though the original format is SIT. Is there a way to turn this off, because I remember this was not a problem in earlier versions of Fetch.

    Posted 9 years ago #

  • Tommy Member

    Hi Jim, I purchased an upgrade to 5.7.3 and tried to upload a SIT file again, and I still see the Stuffit dialog box pop up, except this time the file was converted to a ZIP file. This would happen regardless of whether the upload format is set to "Automatic" or "Binary (Raw Data)". :(

    So I checked the SIT file and it appeared to have a small amount of unneeded data in the resource fork -- that would trigger the Stuffit feature. If I stripped the resource fork, then Fetch would not Stuff or ZIP the file, but this is a recurring issue with files I get from Mac users. Would it be possible to add a checkbox to future versions of Fetch so the resource fork is ignored and the Stuffit feature isn't activated like this? Thanks in advance!

    Posted 9 years ago #

  • Tommy Member

    This might explain what was happening to this other user, especially if he was working on a Mac:

    Posted 9 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    Fetch will Zip a file with important resource fork information, but only when the upload format is Automatic. So it sounds like your attempts to change the upload format to Binary (Raw Data) aren't successful. How are you setting the upload format?


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 9 years ago #


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