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Single Icon Bounce After Successful Background Upload (2 posts)

  • Started 17 years ago by bobbyt
  • Latest reply 17 years ago from Scott McGuire
  • bobbyt Member

    I notice one delema I constantly come across is that after I drag a file or files to be uploaded by fetch, then switch to a window that is paritally covering up the fetch window (or upload a file from the finder to fetch in the background), I cannot tell when the uploading is actually done.

    My prevous FTP program would refresh the listing when I uploaded a new file & I pretty much got used to using that method to determine it was done.

    I was thinking it would be nice to have the dock icon bounce once when an upload is done, as this is a little clearer notification. I do know there is an option for allowing the dock icon to bounce when an upload is done already (though I believe it will bounce for other purposes as well).

    But the problem is, I don't want the dock icon to keep bouncing as it will then require me to click on the icon to get it to stop, and sometimes I do not have the desire to switch into fetch, then back into the finder to do some other work...

    What it boils down to is what the topic says. It would be nice to have the fetch icon bounce only 1 time when the upload is completed, just as a quick confirmation it's done.

    And, if it gives me any more leeway, I am a registered user...

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    Thanks for the feedback. We have considered whether having a "bounce only once" option would be useful, so we appreciate knowing that at least one user would use it!

    However, we do not have a specific timeframe for adding such a feature.

    There is the "play a sound" notification option (including a bark noise, of course) for when transfers finish, and the sound is only played once, but we realize that you may not be interested in having the computer make extra noises.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 17 years ago #


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