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Stalling on file transfer (2 posts)

  • Started 11 years ago by Karmen
  • Latest reply 11 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • Karmen Member

    My files keep stalling on transfer.


    Fetch 5.7.3 (5H683) Intel (Web Store) running on Mac OS X 10.8.3 (12D78) Intel English
    StuffIt Engine 0x820, StuffIt SDK Version 10.1.1b1
    Partial serial FETCH55001-6QL4-BDWN T
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is allowing connections) (15/04/13 10:32 AM)
    Connected to port 21 (15/04/13 10:32 AM)
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 1 of 25 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 10:32. Server port: 21.
    220-This is a private system - No anonymous login
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    USER ski17362
    331 User ski17362 OK. Password required
    230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
    215 UNIX Type: L8
    257 "/" is your current location
    CWD public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_185/custom/images/
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_185/custom/images
    257 "/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_185/custom/images" is your current location
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (203,28,48,6,23,159)
    Making data connection to port 6047
    LIST -al
    150 Accepted data connection
    drwxr-xr-x 2 ski17362 ski17362 4096 Apr 15 09:35 .
    drwxr-xr-x 5 ski17362 ski17362 4096 Nov 28 11:28 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ski17362 ski17362 34095 Apr 15 09:35 HEADER.jpg
    226-Options: -a -l◇
    226 3 matches total
    221-Goodbye. You uploaded 0 and downloaded 0 kbytes.
    221 Logout.
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is allowing connections) (15/04/13 10:32 AM)
    Connected to port 21 (15/04/13 10:32 AM)
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 5 of 50 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 11:33. Server port: 21.
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    USER nicka
    331 User nicka OK. Password required
    230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
    215 UNIX Type: L8
    257 "/" is your current location
    CWD public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic/
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,156,237)
    Making data connection to port 40173
    LIST -al
    150 Accepted data connection
    drwxr-xr-x 3 nicka nicka 4096 Apr 15 11:32 .
    drwxr-xr-x 4 nicka nicka 4096 Feb 27 10:56 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nicka nicka 26322 Apr 12 17:56 css.css
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nicka nicka 0 Apr 15 11:32 custom.php
    drwxr-xr-x 3 nicka nicka 4096 Apr 12 15:48 images
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nicka nicka 45865 Feb 27 10:56 screenshot.png
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nicka nicka 45413 Feb 27 10:56 seed.php
    -rw-r--r-- 1 nicka nicka 854 Feb 27 10:56 skin.php
    226-Options: -a -l◇
    226 8 matches total
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,178,253)
    Making data connection to port 45821
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 2,322 bytes/sec, 0:05 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:33 AM (error: 2,-128)
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697226 reply_received = 697226 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697227 reply_received = 697226 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697227 reply_received = 697226 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697227 reply_received = 697226 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    426 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697227 reply_received = 697227 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 697227 reply_received = 697227 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226 Transfer aborted
    DELE custom.php
    250 Deleted custom.php
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,135,27)
    Making data connection to port 34587
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 430 bytes/sec, 0:27 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:34 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == PUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = PUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 0 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 0
    Upload of custom.php failed, retrying
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226-Error during read from data connection
    226 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701588 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 701589 reply_received = 701588 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    500 ?
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,120,94)
    Making data connection to port 30814
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 1,161 bytes/sec, 0:10 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:34 AM (error: 2,-128)
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702300 reply_received = 702300 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702300 reply_received = 702300 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702300 reply_received = 702300 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702301 reply_received = 702300 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    426 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702301 reply_received = 702301 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 702301 reply_received = 702301 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226 Transfer aborted
    Update check skipped at 15/04/13 10:34 AM (next check after 21/04/13 11:51 AM)
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,147,239)
    Making data connection to port 37871
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 527 bytes/sec, 0:22 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:40 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = RPUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 0 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 0
    Upload of custom.php failed, retrying
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226-Error during read from data connection
    226 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722514 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 722515 reply_received = 722514 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    500 ?
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,153,3)
    Making data connection to port 39171
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 446 bytes/sec, 0:26 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:40 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = RPUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 0 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 1
    Upload of custom.php failed, retrying
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is allowing connections) (15/04/13 10:40 AM)
    Connected to port 21 (15/04/13 10:40 AM)
    220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ----------
    220-You are user number 6 of 50 allowed.
    220-Local time is now 11:40. Server port: 21.
    220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
    220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    USER nicka
    331 User nicka OK. Password required
    230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
    215 UNIX Type: L8
    257 "/" is your current location
    CWD /public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic
    250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic
    TYPE A
    200 TYPE is now ASCII
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,129,15)
    Making data connection to port 33039
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 553 bytes/sec, 0:21 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:41 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = RPUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 1 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 2
    Upload of custom.php failed, retrying
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226-Error during read from data connection
    226 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725704 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 725705 reply_received = 725704 TickCount() - reply_received = 1
    500 ?
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,183,111)
    Making data connection to port 46959
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 553 bytes/sec, 0:21 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:41 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = RPUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 1 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 3
    Upload of custom.php failed, retrying
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226-Error during read from data connection
    226 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 727004 reply_received = 727004 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    500 ?
    227 Entering Passive Mode (122,201,72,145,172,79)
    Making data connection to port 44111
    STOR custom.php
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful upload of custom.php as text file (11,614/11,513 bytes, 553 bytes/sec, 0:21 elapsed) stopped at 15/04/13 10:41 AM (error: 1,60)
    ftp_store: 1,60 (state == RPUT_CLOSING)
    retry_failed_operation derr = 1, 60 retry_state = RPUT_SETTING_UP cancel_cur_cmd = 1 force_reconnect = 0 tw->retry_reconnect_count = 1 making_progress = 0, tw->retry_count = 4
    Fetch could not put “custom.php” because the connection timed out. (There might be a problem with your network, or the server might not be responding.)
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    226-Error during read from data connection
    226 Transfer aborted
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    FTP::ftp_abort() FTP_ABOR_SENT_CMD TickCount() = 728328 reply_received = 728328 TickCount() - reply_received = 0
    500 ?
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location
    257 "/public_html/capitalmarkets/wp-content/thesis/skins/classic" is your current location

    Posted 11 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    Thanks for posting a transcript. Did this problem just start happening? Has there been any recent change to your network configuration?


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 11 years ago #


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  • This is to ensure that you’re a person, not a spambot.