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Stop button causes disconnect (2 posts)

  • Started 16 years ago by jimb
  • Latest reply 16 years ago from Scott McGuire
  • jimb Member

    I've just started my trial of ver 5.3, running on Leopard 10.5.1.

    When I click the Stop button during an upload of a large file, I'm disconnected from the server. The message "getting file list" quickly appears just before the disconnect. The problem (so far) only occurs when uploading to my hosted site on, so it might be an issue with them. Disconnecting after pressing Stop isn't expected behavior, is it?

    Here's the last few lines of the Fetch Transcript:

    STOR 2047_5434.dng
    150 Accepted data connection
    Unsuccessful transfer of 2047_5434.dng (3,786,624/6,701,902 bytes, 140,245 bytes/sec, 0:27 elapsed) stopped at 2/3/08 8:42:37 AM (error: 2,-128)
    426 Transfer aborted
    226 Transfer aborted
    TYPE A
    send_cmd():con_conn->Putline() returns 2,-50
    ftp_list: 2,-30014 (state == GETTING_LIST)
    send_cmd():con_conn->Putline() returns 2,-50


    Posted 16 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    This behavior is server-dependent; some servers drop the connection in response to the abort command used to stop a transfer.

    In practice, this shouldn't make a difference to the usability of Fetch in any way; if you leave the "disconnected" Fetch transfer window open, Fetch will automatically reconnect the next time you try to do anything with that window - that is, if you try to upload or download to it, Fetch will automatically reconnect without asking for your connection information again.

    The only difference is it may take a few extra seconds to reconnect, but otherwise, a "disconnected" transfer window should behave exactly the same as a "connected" window.

    If that is not the case for you, please let us know and we'll investigate further; also let us know if you have further questions or concerns.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 16 years ago #


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