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Stou error (6 posts)

  • Started 15 years ago by clockwerkj
  • Latest reply 15 years ago from Scott McGuire
  • clockwerkj Member

    I can login, but when trying to upload I get a too many perameters error. Regardless of the server I post to.
    Heres the transcript.
    Fetch 5.3 (5D161) Intel running on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S2167) Intel English
    StuffIt Engine 0x820, StuffIt SDK Version 10.1.1b1
    Partial serial FETCH5X001-LMEF-H2NH T
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is on) (9/21/08 2:31:13 PM)
    Connected to port 21 (9/21/08 2:31:13 PM)
    220 marvny-ftp01 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
    USER jleisten
    331 Password required for jleisten.
    230 User jleisten logged in.
    215 Windows_NT version 5.0
    257 "/" is current directory.
    500 'MACB ENABLE': command not understood
    CWD Bullpen/to-marvel/JLeisten/
    250 CWD command successful.
    257 "/Bullpen/to-marvel/JLeisten" is current directory.
    Retrieved 16 items from file list cache, stored 09/21/2008 02:02 PM
    TYPE I
    200 Type set to I.
    227 Entering Passive Mode (65,202,37,138,14,185).
    Making data connection to port 3769
    STOU uncxmen503013_400.jpeg
    500 'STOU uncxmen503013_400.jpeg': Invalid number of parameters
    ftp_store_setup: 2,-30000 (state == RPUT_SETTING_UP)
    225 ABOR command successful.

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    When you use the Put command, change the setting of the "If a file already exists:" menu to "Replace existing file". Do not use "Pick a different name".

    When this menu is set to "Pick a different name", Fetch sends the "STOU" command to the server (asking the server to give your file a unique name to make sure it does not replace an existing file). Some servers do not support the "STOU" command, and give these errors as a result.

    Let us know if this does not fix the problem or if you have further questions.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • clockwerkj Member

    That didnt work either. Im out of options as far as I can see. It's happening on all servers that I thry.

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    Could you please send us a transcript of your attempt to upload when you use the "Replace existing file" option? We'll take a look to see if there is another suggestion we can make.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • clockwerkj Member

    Fetch 5.3 (5D161) Intel running on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S2167) Intel English
    StuffIt Engine 0x820, StuffIt SDK Version 10.1.1b1
    Partial serial FETCH5X001-LMEF-H2NH T
    Connecting to port 21 (Mac OS X firewall is on) (9/29/08 2:09:42 AM)
    Connected to port 21 (9/29/08 2:09:42 AM)
    220 WBNTMISFTP1 Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
    USER dcgfproduction
    331 Password required for dcgfproduction.
    230-Welcome to Warner Bros. FTP Site.

    230-Please call the HelpDesk at (818) 954-4357 if you have any problems.
    230 User dcgfproduction logged in.
    215 Windows_NT version 5.0
    257 "/dcgfproduction" is current directory.
    500 'MACB ENABLE': command not understood
    CWD For Jay Leisten/
    250 CWD command successful.
    257 "/dcgfproduction/For Jay Leisten" is current directory.
    TYPE A
    200 Type set to A.
    227 Entering Passive Mode (204,140,9,39,19,98).
    Making data connection to port 4962
    LIST -al
    125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 19076988 Sep 17 11:32 nightwing.150.06.600.tif
    -rwxrwxrwx 1 owner group 18984956 Sep 17 11:54 nightwing.150.09.600.tif
    226 Transfer complete.
    TYPE I
    200 Type set to I.
    227 Entering Passive Mode (204,140,9,39,19,100).
    Making data connection to port 4964
    STOU nightwing.150.10.600.tif
    500 'STOU nightwing.150.10.600.tif': Invalid number of parameters
    ftp_store_setup: 2,-30000 (state == RPUT_SETTING_UP)
    225 ABOR command successful.
    257 "/dcgfproduction/For Jay Leisten" is current directory.

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    I think you should try deleting your Fetch preferences file and see if that fixes the problem.

    Doing this will not delete your shortcuts; it will, however, erase your list of recent connections (the ones that appear under the clock icon in the New Connection dialog), so if your recent connections are important to you and you do not think you can easily recreate them, please follow the instructions below to move the preferences to your desktop instead of the Trash, so they can be recovered.

    Please do the following:

    * Quit Fetch.
    * Choose "Home" from the Go menu in the Finder
    * Open the Library folder
    * Open the Preferences folder
    * Find the com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch.plist and Fetch Prefs, and move them to the Desktop.
    * Run Fetch.
    * Try uploading again - if you use the Put command, do not make any changes in the Put dialog (besides selecting the file to upload). If you upload by using drag and drop, just drag and drop as normal.

    Let us know if that helps or not.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 15 years ago #


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