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uploading error (2 posts)

  • Started 18 years ago by guest
  • Latest reply 18 years ago from Scott McGuire
  • guest Registered Member

    I am trying to upload for the first time. I have a Mac running panther and just bought Fetch 5.04. I am connected and was able to upload only the folder not the jpg images in the folder.
    Error message= Fetch could not put file because the FTP server encountered an error accessing a file for folder. Server responder:STOR: Quota exeeded.

    Posted 18 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    That error message is telling you that you are out of space in your account on the server.

    Do you have files in your account on the server already? If so, look to see if you can make more space by deleting some that you don't need any more.

    Or the server may be saying there isn't room to upload all the JPEGs in your folder. You could try uploading just a few at a time and see if that works, but you will probably run out of space eventually before you can upload them all.

    If you cannot delete any files and must upload all those images, you can contact your Internet service provider or the server maintainer and find out how much space you are allowed, and see if you can get it increased.

    Let us know if you have more questions.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 18 years ago #


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