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delete shortcut (2 posts)

  • Started 3 years ago by Tina
  • Latest reply 3 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • Tina Member

    I am on a MAC, and want to delete a previously created shortcut. From the fetch icon (dog)...I see my shortcuts. But how do I remove one? If I select the shortcut from the icon, there is no menu to edit or delete. It simply launches the shortcut. Thanks!

    Posted 3 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    Here are the steps:

    1. Click on the Fetch icon to bring the Fetch application to the front. You can tell it is the front application because there will be a "Fetch" men in the menu bar at the top of the screen, next to the Apple menu.

    2. Click on the Shortcuts menu at the top of the screen, between the Go menu and the Window menu.

    3. Choose "Show Shortcuts" from the Shortcuts menu to open the Fetch Shortcuts window

    4. Click on the shortcut you want to delete in the Fetch Shortcuts window

    5. Choose Delete from the Edit menu, or type the delete key


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 3 years ago #


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