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Download newly modified items from FTP (4 posts)

This is an archived topic. The information in it is likely to be out-of-date and no longer applicable to current versions of Fetch.
  • Started 20 years ago by kumpster
  • Latest reply 20 years ago from kumpster
  • kumpster Member

    Hi List,

    I am having trouble creating a type of mirroring system with AppleScript and Fetch. I need to poll an FTP server every few minutes and find directories that have been modified since my last visit and download thier contents, all JPG files and one text file. Seems strightforward enough.

    I then have some applescripts perform some processing on the downloaded directories and thier contents.

    My problem is as follows:

    I list the contentents of the directory, then loop through the mod dats to determine what has changed since my last visit. If the dates are newer than the last date, I download the directory. Fetch seems to do this just fine most of the time. It doesn't list the contents of the directory it is downloading in the window, but just gets each item of that directory, and moves on to the next one.

    However, if Fetch encounters and error, like an unexpected server response, which it seems to get quite a few from this particular .NET server (another topic for discussion) it switches the file list in the window to the contents of that directory it had problems with. And it gives an error message. Further, my script wants to go to the next item of the previous directory, so it is a pain.

    What I have done is place the download command in a try and then, on error, set the remote item back to the original directory. But it still has all sorts of problems and sometimes opens news Fetch windows among other things. I simply want Fetch to ignore a problem file and move on to the next one...but this is proving more difficult than I anticipated.

    I have tried using the mirro function, but it stops on the first sign of a problem. Is there anyway to stop Fetch from display dialogs at each error and simply toignore them? Or, can I refine my code to work around this?

    Here is my code:

    tell application "Fetch 4.0.3"
    set theWindow to make new transfer window at beginning with properties {hostname:theHost, userid:theUserID, password:thePAssword}
    open remote item "theFolder"
    set view order of theWindow to byDate
    set itemCount to count theWindow each remote item

    repeat with itemIndex from 1 to itemCount
    set currentItem to (a reference to remote item itemIndex of theWindow)
    set modDate to modification date of currentItem
    --if the modDate is newer than our test date, then continue
    if modDate > Newestmoddate then
    if item type of currentItem = isDirectory then
    -- a folder, download it
    with timeout of 30 seconds
    download currentItem
    end timeout
    on error--an error occured, return to the previous directory

    open remote item "/theFolder/" of theWindow
    end try
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell



    Posted 20 years ago #

  • kumpster Member

    Oh - here is an example of what I mena. I began the mirroring process and left Fetch in the background to try to reduce errors. It got an error like the following:

    400 Transfer failed: Conversion buffer overflow.
    ftp_retrieve: -30000 (state == RGET_RETRIEVING)

    and the mirroring stops. Is there a way to continue the mirroring after such an error?


    Originally posted by kumpster:

    Hi List,

    I am having trouble creating a type of mirroring system with AppleScript and Fetch. I need to poll an FTP server every few minutes and find directories that have been modified since my last visit and download thier contents, all JPG files and one text file. Seems strightforward enough.

    I then have some applescripts perform some processing on the downloaded directories and thier contents.

    My problem is as follows:

    I list the contentents of the directory, then loop through the mod dats to determine what has changed since my last visit. If the dates are newer than the last date, I download the directory. Fetch seems to do this just fine most of the time. It doesn't list the contents of the directory it is downloading in the window, but just gets each item of that directory, and moves on to the next one.

    However, if Fetch encounters and error, like an unexpected server response, which it seems to get quite a few from this particular .NET server (another topic for discussion) it switches the file list in the window to the contents of that directory it had problems with. And it gives an error message. Further, my script wants to go to the next item of the previous directory, so it is a pain.

    What I have done is place the download command in a try and then, on error, set the remote item back to the original directory. But it still has all sorts of problems and sometimes opens news Fetch windows among other things. I simply want Fetch to ignore a problem file and move on to the next one...but this is proving more difficult than I anticipated.

    I have tried using the mirro function, but it stops on the first sign of a problem. Is there anyway to stop Fetch from display dialogs at each error and simply toignore them? Or, can I refine my code to work around this?

    Here is my code:

    tell application "Fetch 4.0.3"
    set theWindow to make new transfer window at beginning with properties {hostname:theHost, userid:theUserID, password:thePAssword}
    open remote item "theFolder"
    set view order of theWindow to byDate
    set itemCount to count theWindow each remote item

    repeat with itemIndex from 1 to itemCount
    set currentItem to (a reference to remote item itemIndex of theWindow)
    set modDate to modification date of currentItem
    --if the modDate is newer than our test date, then continue
    if modDate > Newestmoddate then
    if item type of currentItem = isDirectory then
    -- a folder, download it
    with timeout of 30 seconds
    download currentItem
    end timeout
    on error--an error occured, return to the previous directory

    open remote item "/theFolder/" of theWindow
    end try
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell



    Posted 20 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    Fetch should not display a dialog if the statement being processed is in a try / end try block. I would try (no pun intended) putting a mirror command in a block, and keep retrying the command until it succeeds. So you'd have something like:

    with timeout of 3000 seconds
    set done to false
    repeat until done
    mirror url "ftp://userid :password@host/path/" to alias "Hard disk:folder1:folder2:"
    set done to true
    end try
    end repeat
    end timeout


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    [This message has been edited by JimMatthews (edited 06-03-2003).]

    Posted 20 years ago #

  • kumpster Member

    Thanks Jim,

    I have reworked my script until I got it to do exactly what I need, and now it works perfectly. However, it would still be less overhead to have Fetch do a mirror and then I can have my AppleScript look at the mirrored folder to find updates and work on them. So I will give it a try.


    Originally posted by JimMatthews:

    Fetch should not display a dialog if the statement being processed is in a try / end try block. I would try (no pun intended) putting a mirror command in a block, and keep retrying the command until it succeeds. So you'd have something like:

    with timeout of 3000 seconds
    set done to false
    repeat until done
    mirror url "ftp://userid :password@host/path/" to alias "Hard disk:folder1:folder2:"
    set done to true
    end try
    end repeat
    end timeout


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    [This message has been edited by JimMatthews (edited 06-03-2003).]

    Posted 20 years ago #

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