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Editted text files are not saving back to SFTP server since upgrading from Catalina to Monterey(12.6 (3 posts)

  • Started 1 year ago by aall
  • Latest reply 1 year ago from aall
  • aall Member

    Hey, so this is my typical workflow with Fetch 5.8.2 prior to updating to Monterey 12.6.

    1. Open connection to SFTP server.
    2. Double click to open text file (Edit is the default behavior)
    3. Edit file.
    4. Save file.
    5. Changes are uploaded in the background by Fetch.

    Everything is working like it was before the upgrade, except saving the file does not push the file back up to the server. I am having to manually move the file to the Fetch window to upload it.

    Fetch Transcript shows this:
    Successful download of testfile.php as binary data (677 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 2022-09-26T18:20:50Z
    UploadFileBeingEdited() -- temp file size and mod date unchanged, will not upload
    UploadFileBeingEditedIgnoreErrors(/Users/aall/Library/Caches/Cleanup At Startup/com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch/Fetch Temporary Folder 26/testfile.php) UploadFileBeingEdited returns -47

    It appears that Fetch is not recognizing the file has been updated.
    I have tried editing in Sublime Text and TextEdit with the same bad results.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Posted 1 year ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    I apologize for my late reply. Fetch is recognizing that the file has been updated, but is getting an error (-47) when it tries to upload the file. That error indicates that the file is busy. I do not see that problem when I edit remote files with Text Edit on Monterey 12.6. Could you try editing with BBEdit to see if that makes a difference? You can download BBEdit at


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 1 year ago #

  • aall Member

    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for the reply.

    Editing in BBEdit does not appear to be trying to upload the file after saving. There are no updates to the Transcript when I save the file.

    1. Open connect to SFTP server.
    2. Right-click and Edit With > BBEdit
    3. Edit file
    4. Save file

    I only see the Successful download message in the Transcript. No new messages appear after the download.

    SSH2_FX_OK 14
    SSH2_FXP_OPEN 15, /var/www/sites/example/aall/test_file.txt [ SSH2_FXF_READ ]
    SSH2_FX_OK 19
    Successful download of test_file.txt as binary data (20 bytes, 0 bytes/sec, 0:00 elapsed) completed at 2022-10-04T15:30:13Z

    Thanks again!

    Edited 1 year ago #


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