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File name/extension display (2 posts)

  • Started 17 years ago by DaveF
  • Latest reply 17 years ago from Scott McGuire
  • DaveF Member

    I routinly connect to a VAX/VMS server and in Fetch 4 it displayed the file names correctly as follows:

    Filename.extnesion;version (;1)

    In Fetch 5 the version is stripped off the file name in the display (it shows it correctly on the Verbose file list). The problem is the delete command must include a version number - which has been stripped out by Fetch and returns an error.

    How can I get Fetch 5 to display the file names including the version number (as Fetch 4 did)?

    Posted 17 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator

    Hi Dave,

    We had feedback that displaying VMS verison numbers caused problems for some people, so we decided to change the display of them between Fetch 4 and Fetch 5. Unfortunately, it turned out that there are some users, like you, that needed the version numbers.

    The good news is there is a "secret" preference that you can set to tell Fetch 5 to display of VMS file version numbers in the file list.

    To do this, quit Fetch, open the Terminal application, and type the following line:

    defaults write com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch ShowVMSVersionNumbers -bool true

    (You may want to copy and paste that line, I know from personal esperience it's easy to get it wrong.)

    Then run Fetch again. You may need to refresh your file lists to see the version numbers. If you are still having a problem, let us know.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We're hoping to provide a better way to turn VMS version numbers on and off in a future version of Fetch.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 17 years ago #


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