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macOS 10.12 SFTP error: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss (3 posts)

  • Started 7 years ago by Jim Matthews
  • Latest reply 5 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    A couple Fetch users have reported problems making SFTP connections after upgrading to macOS 10.12 Sierra. They get an error that includes the message:

    no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss

    The problem is that macOS 10.12 deprecates support for one type of SSH public key, referred to as either DSA or DSS keys. One solution to this problem is to change the key in question to use a different algorithm, such as RSA. Another option is to configure SSH to keep allowing DSA/DSS keys. You can do that by issuing the following command in Terminal, replacing HOSTNAME with the hostname of the server you are trying to connect to:

    echo -e "\nHost HOSTNAME\nHostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-dss\n" >> ~/.ssh/config

    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Edited 7 years ago #

  • Christina Hwang Member

    hi there! just curious if there are any plans for a fix for this now that it's been a few years?
    i LOVE fetch and just updated to mojave and found that now i can't use it for SFTP. :(

    Posted 5 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    This isn't a bug in Fetch, it's a security problem with the SFTP server that should be fixed there. If the server can't be fixed there are ways to work around it (see the previous post from two years ago), but the real solution is to update the server.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 5 years ago #


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