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Shortcuts from 4.0.3 does not open with 5.3.1 (2 posts)

  • Started 12 years ago by Jenzi
  • Latest reply 12 years ago from Jim Matthews
  • Jenzi Member

    I have this problem:
    I want to run my old shortcuts out of Version 4.0.3 on my new Mac (OSX 10.7.2) with Fetch 5.3.1. I´d made a copy out of my old Preferenzes. When I now open it with 5.3.1 the List ist empty. Can somebody help please? Otherwise there are more than 300 shortcuts to rewrite :(
    Thank u!!!

    Posted 12 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    Fetch 4.0.3 saved shortcuts in a file named "Fetch Shortcuts" in the Preferences folder inside the Library folder. Fetch 5.3.1 keeps shortcuts in a file named com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch.Shortcuts.plist, also in the Preferences folder.

    To recover your Fetch 4.0.3 shortcuts I would recommend the following steps:

    * Quit Fetch
    * Put the "Fetch Shortcuts" file in the Preferences folder
    * Move the com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch.Shortcuts.plist file out of the Preferences folder
    * Run Fetch

    Please let me know if that doesn't work.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 12 years ago #


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