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Suggestions on UI and TextWrangle/BBEdit interfacing (4 posts)

  • Started 18 years ago by Fritz_Laurel
  • Latest reply 18 years ago from Fritz_Laurel
  • Fritz_Laurel Member


    I'm using Fetch to facilitate editing asp pages on various websites. I like to use Fetch as sort of an "open" directory on my desktop where I can pick and choose files to edit as needed. (Otherwise, I have to login via TextWrangler and wait for it to load the directory before I can even get to editing.)

    I've noticed Fetch seems to download the file, open it in my editor (TextWrangler in this case) and when I save the file in the editor, magic happens and it's updated on the remote site.

    I'm wondering if there's a way to invoke TextWrangler's own FTP mechanism so that it opens the file directly from the remote site without having to go through Fetch, and therefore shows the correct URL instead of a local file?

    Also, I've noticed you have some double-negatives in your prefs screens. E.G. "Do Not Preserve Modification Dates" as per Apple UI guidelines would be "Preserve Modification Dates" with appropriate logic for the check box.

    It's the 'ole Windows "go to the Start menu to shut down" thing. By checking the check box, I'm turning an option ON, yet that option is something that's off. It gets confusing.

    Thanks for the forum and thanks for Fetch! Fetch is still one of the best Mac apps of all time, IMHO.


    Posted 18 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    There isn't a way to have Fetch tell TextWrangler to use its own FTP mechanism, but I'm suprised that TextWrangler does not show the correct URL. BBEdit does do that correctly.

    We're considering rewording those double-negative preferences. The original idea was to have them phrased so that none of them would be checked by default, but we may drop that policy.


    JIm Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 18 years ago #

  • Fritz_Laurel Member

    Hmm, surely there's got to be a way. At the very least, there's always AppleScript. ;)

    Was I correct in that the Fetch mechanism is to d/l the file and then get the editor to open the d/l'ed file and then handles updates to the remote server?


    Posted 18 years ago #

  • Fritz_Laurel Member

    Hmm, this is interesting.

    TextWrangler is now showing the correct ftp URL instead of a path to a file in my private directory. I'll have to investigate this further when I get more time and let you know what I find.


    Posted 18 years ago #


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