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Why is Fetch so slow? (5 posts)

  • Started 7 years ago by Kevin
  • Latest reply 5 years ago from Sean R.
  • Kevin Member

    I'm trying to download my Wordpress files from one GoDaddy server to move them to a new GoDaddy server. When I select the files, the "Preparing to Transfer" message appears at the bottom and it takes FOREVER to attempt to transfer the files. If it hits a file that can't be transferred, it stops and I have to start the process all over again - about a 2 hour time block. Is this normal? Any help is appreciated.

    Posted 7 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator


    Fetch first totals the sizes of all the files to be transferred, and then starts the transfer, so that it can accurately report how much work remains. If you don't need that information, there's a secret preference to turn off that behavior. To do that you would issue the following command in Terminal:

    defaults write com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch DisplayOverallProgress -bool false

    If there are files that you don't have permission to download you should check the "Skip items you don't have permission to download" box in the Download section of preferences.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 7 years ago #

  • lois reed Member

    i am ready to switch companies. i have never seen it as slow as it has been this past year, wth???

    Posted 5 years ago #

  • Jim Matthews Administrator

    Hi Lois,

    Fetch's speed is subject to the speed of your Mac, the speed of the network connection to your server, and the speed of your server. All of those things may have changed in the last year; Fetch itself hasn't (at least not in any way that would affect speeds). I would recommend trying an alternative, such as Transmit from Panic, to see if it works better in your circumstances.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 5 years ago #

  • Sean R. Member

    I'm having this problem too. Fetch was going to take 4-10 hours to download a 1.7 directory of images. I tried an alternate FTP app and it's taking 14 mins. Disappointing because I paid for Fetch and it's always been my go-to FTP client.

    Posted 5 years ago #


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