Your best friend for file transfer.

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Fetch Icon Fetch Help > Concepts > Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts shown next to menu commands, you can use these special keyboard shortcuts to work in Fetch.

Transfer Windows

Action Shortcut
Download files or multiple folders Command-Down arrow
Go to parent folder (go up a level) Command-Up arrow
Open a single folder Command-Down arrow or Command-O
Rename item Return or Enter
Quick Look file Space bar
Stop transfer Command-. (Command-period)

New Connection Dialog

Action Shortcut
Cycle through shortcuts Command-] and Command-[
Cycle through recent connections Command-Option-] and Command-Option-[
Choose FTP as connection type Command-0
Choose SFTP as connection type Command-1
Choose FTP with TLS/SSL as connection type Command-2
Choose FTP with KClient as connection type Command-4
Choose FTP with GSSAPI as connection type Command-5
Toggle Add to keychain checkbox Command-K
Toggle Enable encryption checkbox Command-E

Fetch Shortcuts / Shortcut List Windows

Action Shortcut
Download file shortcut Command-Down arrow
Open folder shortcut Command-Down arrow
Open New Connection dialog filled out with information from selected shortcut Command-Option-Down arrow
Rename shortcut Return or Enter
Quick Look shortcut Space bar

New Shortcut/Edit Shortcut Dialog

Action Shortcut
Choose FTP as connection type Command-0
Choose SFTP as connection type Command-1
Choose FTP with TLS/SSL as connection type Command-2
Choose FTP with KClient as connection type Command-4
Choose FTP with GSSAPI as connection type Command-5
Toggle Enable encryption checkbox Command-E

Preferences Window

Action Shortcut
Cycle through panes Command-Shift-[ and Command-Shift-]