Your best friend for file transfer.

Fetch works well for most people, most of the time; but that is little consolation if it isn't working for you! This part of the Fetch Help is the place to turn to when that happens. Please note that there are many thousands of Fetch users for every person providing technical support, so we are not equipped to provide extensive individual attention for each problem. Fortunately most problems are not one-of-a-kind, and the solutions may already be at hand.
That's why we recommend that you start first with the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), or by searching the Fetch Help by entering a term in the search box above.
Your next stop should be the Fetch Softworks message boards, which let you benefit from the wisdom and experience of others, and vice versa. Fetch Softworks personnel will give top priority to addressing questions on the message boards.
Since we're always improving Fetch, you should check to see if you're using the latest version, and if not, download it and see if it fixes the problem you're experiencing.
If you cannot find the answer via the above methods, you can submit your problem or question using the Fetch Softworks feedback page. Or you can send email to , but it's preferable if you use the feedback page and provide the information it requests.
Note that many of the problems people experience with Fetch aren't really problems with Fetch itself. Publishing information on the Internet is still an involved process, and Fetch is only one part of the process. Fetch cannot fix HTML errors, teach your web server about new kinds of files, or change your password. Nor can it work if your network settings are misconfigured, or the actual network connection is unreliable. In some cases we will recommend that you try another FTP client, such as Interarchy, Transmit, or Vicomsoft FTP. We do this for two reasons: 1) we want to help you solve your problem, regardless of whether you end up using our software; and 2) if the problem persists with another program you can be fairly confident that neither Fetch nor the other program is at fault, and that gets you closer to finding out where the problem actually lies.