Your best friend for file transfer.

Fetch Release Notes
- Fetch 5.8.3
- Fetch 5.8.2
- Fetch 5.8.1
- Fetch 5.8
- Fetch 5.7.7
- Fetch 5.7.6
- Fetch 5.7.5
- Fetch 5.7.4
- Fetch 5.7.3
- Fetch 5.7.2
- Fetch 5.7.1
- Fetch 5.7
- Fetch 5.6
- Fetch 5.5.3
- Fetch 5.5.2
- Fetch 5.5.1
- Fetch 5.5
- Fetch 5.3.1
- Fetch 5.3
- Fetch 5.2.1
- Fetch 5.2
- Fetch 5.1.1
- Fetch 5.1
- Fetch 5.0.5
- Fetch 5.0.4
- Fetch 5.0.3
- Fetch 5.0.2
- Fetch 5.0.1
- Fetch 5.0
Fetch 5.8.3
- Fixed a performance problem with long transcripts on macOS 13 Ventura
- Fixed a problem with unexpected SFTP password prompts
- Fixed a problem forgetting the default font size setting
- Fixed a problem displaying customer port numbers in the New Connection dialog
- Fixed AUTH GSSAPI error making FTP with TLS/SSL connections on Apple Silicon
- Added MultipleOutstandingSFTPReads preference for compatibility with AWS SFTP
- Fixed a problem with the trial mode Purchase button
Fetch 5.8.2
- Added native Apple Silicon support
- Fixed a problem where dragged items were uploaded into the last folder of the file list
- Fixed a problem with sorting the file list while searching
- Fixed a problem with the Edit New Text file command
- Fixed multiple problems with dragging items between transfer windows
- Fixed a problem with the Fetch Transcript window appearing at startup
- Added support for servers that use for passive mode
- Restored support for opening a transfer window by clicking on the Dock icon
- Fixed a problem with clicking on transfer windows opened from Droplet Shortcuts
- Fixed a problem with uploading items twice
- Made item paths in Info windows copyable
- Fixed a problem with up- and down-arrow keys when keyboard navigation is enabled
- Fixed a problem with mirror downloads not deleting stray items
- Fixed a problem with long paths being truncated in the Mirror window
- Fixed a problem with editing or deleting files while renaming
Fetch 5.8.1
- Restored the transfer window Find command
- Restored the ability to adjust the font size of the transfer window (View > Bigger Font)
- Fixed a crash saving, pasting or dragging shortcuts
- Fixed a crash bringing up the Purchase window
- Fixed a crash opening folders with .djvu files
- Restored support for dragging to folder icons
- Restored support for dragging to the status area below the file list
- Fixed a problem dragging multiple items from Adobe Bridge
- Fixed a problem where the purchasing window offered Fetch 5.7
- Fixed a problem with the Info window displaying varying permissions for multiple items
- Changed the Put window to display the options pane automatically
- Changed the behavior of type-to-select in shortcut list windows to only match shortcut names
- Made the reload and lock icons easier to see in Dark Mode
Fetch 5.8
- Moved to a 64-bit architecture for compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina
- Added support for Dark Mode on macOS 10.14 Mojave and later
- Removed AppleScript and Automator support
- Removed built-in StuffIt and Zip archive support
- Removed Kerberos (GSSAPI) support
- Removed Bonjour support
- Removed Non-English localizations
Fetch 5.7.7
- Fixed a problem with the Edit command on macOS 10.13 High Sierra
- Fixed a problem with copying URLs on macOS 10.13 High Sierra
- Fixed a problem uploading files over TLS to vsFTPd 3.0.3 servers
- Fixed a problem with long mirror operations
- Fixed a -982 font error on Korean systems
- Fixed a problem with BinHex encoding of files without resource forks
Fetch 5.7.6
- Added compatibility with FTP servers that require TLS 1.2 (requires OS X 10.8 or later)
- Added compatibility with FTP servers that require SSL session reuse (requires OS X 10.9 or later)
- Added compatibility with FTP servers that send Extended Passive Mode PASV replies
- Fixed a problem with editing when there are two copies of the editing application available
- Fixed a problem with mirror downloads generating Finder sound effects
Fetch 5.7.5
- Fixed a problem downloading iBooks Author documents
- Fixed a problem with FTP with TLS/SSL connections on pre-OS X 10.8 Macs
- Fixed problems with code signing for the Mac App Store
- Fixed a problem with slowdowns in multi-file downloads on high-speed networks
- Improved support for Retina displays
Fetch 5.7.4
- Adopted OS X Mavericks code signing
- Fixed a compatibility problem with some versions of the Bulletproof FTP server
- Fixed a compatibility problem with the LIST -al command and some FTP servers
- Fixed a problem creating folders on some SFTP servers
- Fixed a problem resizing windows from the top edge
- Fixed a problem uploading files to some SFTP servers
- Fixed a problem where .DS_Store files were included in uploads
- Fixed a problem with choosing a default shortcut
- Fixed a problem with slow scrolling on OS X Mavericks
- Fixed a version number compatibility issue with some software distribution systems
- Improved stop button appearance on OS X Yosemite
Fetch 5.7.3
- Fixed a crash connecting to some SFTP servers when the host key has changed
- Fixed a problem with -9807 errors on FTP with TLS/SSL connections
- Fixed a problem with MacBinary uploads to Rumpus and other servers with MacBinary support
- Fixed a problem with mirror downloads not deleting stray files
- Stopped invoking discrete graphics chip on newer MacBook Pros running Mountain Lion to conserve battery power
Fetch 5.7.2
- Added compatibility with the Gatekeeper feature of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
- Changed the Edit command to not open editor windows in front when Fetch is in the background
- Fixed a problem that caused crashes when the Fetch.log file could not be created
- Fixed a problem where an SFTP passphrase for a server using Two Factor Authentication was not hidden
- Fixed a problem where the modification dates of uploaded files were temporarily displayed in UTC
- Fixed a problem with using Preview as an editor on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
- Improved compatibility with Windows NT servers
Fetch 5.7.1
- Changed SFTP behavior to honor SSH config settings, and no longer require a dummy password for connections using public key authentication
- Corrected phone/fax number in Read Me
- Corrected system requirements in Read Me
- Fixed a crash on Lion caused by the 3ivx video codec
- Fixed a crash when the app was launched on Mac OS X 10.4
- Fixed a problem that caused very slow file lists for folders with more than 10,000 items
- Fixed a problem where an incorrect serial number was erroneously identified as having been revoked
- Fixed a problem where certain failed downloads were not retried automatically
- Fixed a problem where it took two attempts to get a file list on some servers
- Fixed a problem with Fetch not quitting after an upload initiated by a droplet shortcut
- Fixed a problem with crashing on quit when StuffIt was installed
- Fixed a problem with using Smultron as an editor on Lion
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts for Preferences tab switching
- Improved compatibility with servers that take more than thirty seconds to start or finish a transfer
- Improved feedback during mirror and large transfer operations
- Removed Dashboard widget instructions from Read Me
- Stopped displaying extraneous post-upload FTP server messages
Fetch 5.7
- Added find field for filtering transfer window file lists
- Added support for displaying the overall progress and time remaining of multi-file transfers
- Added support for preserving the modification date of uploaded files
- Added support for syncing shortcuts using Dropbox or a shared file server
- Added "Show Fetch.log in Finder" command to simplify support requests
- Added automatic removal of trailing spaces from the names of uploaded items
- Added more detailed debug logging of SFTP connections
- Added preference for skipping over files you do not have permission to download
- Added support for Bonjour discovery of FTP with TLS/SSL servers
- Added support for editing remote files displayed with Quick Look
- Added the ability to upgrade from a serial number for an earlier version
- Changed default preference setting to ignore file list cache
- Changed system requirements to Mac OS X 10.5 or later on Intel Macs
- Changed the meaning of KB, MB, GB, TB units to match the Finder
- Fixed "action could not be loaded because it is not Universal" error when adding Get Specified Fetch Items action to Automator workflow
- Fixed a problem dragging items from iTunes to Fetch
- Fixed a problem quitting while hidden
- Fixed a problem that caused the discrete graphics card in late model MacBook Pros to be activated
- Fixed a problem where Info windows incorrectly displayed 000 permissions for just-uploaded items
- Fixed a problem with file lists on some French FTP servers
- Fixed a problem with special characters in passwords
- Fixed a problem with stalled uploads
- Fixed an incompatibility with an unusually verbose FTP server
- Improved appearance on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
- Improved compatibility with AS/400 servers
- Improved compatibility with FTP servers with broken MDTM support
- Improved compatibility with FTP servers with broken SIZE support
- Improved compatibility with GlobalSCAPE SFTP server
- Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
- Improved compatibility with Tectia SFTP servers
- Improved compatibility with Windows NT servers
- Improved compatibility with some servers by removing automatic use of MacBinary mode transfers
- Improved documentation of text file character encodings
- Improved handling of SFTP host key changes
- Improved reliability of large transfers
- Improved support for default preference settings on Mac OS X Server
- Improved user interface for first time SFTP connections
- Improved warning message for mismatched SFTP host keys
- Removed the Fetch Dashboard Widget
Fetch 5.6
- Added automatic resume of stalled or failed downloads
- Improved stalled transfer detection to work better in more circumstances
- Fixed some cases where automatically resumed uploads would try to resume when the entire file was already on the server
- Improved handling of uploads where the connection is dropped after an hour with certain routers, to avoid unnecessary resume upload attempts
- Made detection and automatic resume of FTP upload stalls quicker
- Added automatic resume of SFTP text files uploads in most cases (when not converting line endings)
- Improved behavior of automatic upload resume on very slow connections
- Fixed a problem where Adobe Flash (.swf) files would sometimes be uploaded in the incorrect format
- Fixed a problem where the Fetch widget would not dismiss Dashboard on Mac OS X 10.6 and later
- Improved scrolling performance in folders containing hundreds of different file kinds
- Changed system requirements to Mac OS X 10.4 or later
- Improved encoding handling when editing files with BBEdit or TextWrangler; if a file specifies an encoding, it will be used instead of Fetch's preferred encoding preference
- Added server-side serial number verification
- Changed droplet shortcuts to queue uploads if an upload to the same server is already in progress, instead of opening a new transfer window
- Changed "immediate return" AppleScript property to queue uploads if an upload to the same server is already in progress, instead of opening a new transfer window
- Fixed a rare problem where certain kinds of font files were uploaded as zero length files
- Added connection error messages to Fetch Transcript
- Improved descriptions of transfer results in Fetch Transcript
- Fixed a problem with New Connection dialog moving to background after Option-double-clicking a shortcut
- Fixed Automatic Passive Mode to immediately honor changes to "Use passive mode transfers" preference
- Fixed a problem where "Automatically decode files like this" setting for zip files was not remembered on Mac OS X 10.4
- Changed preferences to default to not sending MACB probe
- Fixed incorrect upload format display in Put button help tag
- Fixed missing "Bounce icon in Dock" notifications
- Revised unknown item icon
- Fixed rare -108 error after upgrading from Fetch 4.0.3
- Improved error message for POSIX Error #51
Fetch 5.5.3
- Fixed Mac OS -8905 errors when opening Fetch or saving shortcuts on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
- Fixed rare freezes when quitting
- Fixed a problem where Fetch displayed the copy cursor when moving a file
- Fixed problem displaying file lists with Norwegian month names from vsFTPd servers
- Fixed a problem where items moved to a parent folder would sometimes not appear in the parent folder's file list
- Improved compatibility with certain versions of the VanDyke VShell server that send non-standard TYPE replies
- Fixed repeated server messages in transcript window
- Changed handling of download stalls — Fetch now displays an error instead of waiting forever
Fetch 5.5.2
- Improved Quick Look behavior when using Mac OS X 10.6 and later — Quick Look windows now include Full Screen and Add to iPhoto buttons, and you can switch back and forth between the Index Sheet and individual images
- Replaced Quick Look as Text with more flexible View as Text command — View as Text allows you to open multiple windows, cut and paste text, and view the windows while Fetch is in the background
- Added support for SFTP through SOCKS proxies
- Fixed problem adding Get Specific Fetch Items action to Automator workflows on Mac OS X 10.6
- Fixed a problem in the Purchase window where editing the email address would sometimes change the country field
- Disabled Stop button in Purchase window when stopping the purchase may not be possible
- Fixed problems loading widget on certain systems that have StuffIt Deluxe installed
- Fixed problems automatically resuming uploads on certain Filezilla servers
- Fixed problems automatically resuming uploads on certain WS_FTP servers
- Fixed a problem duplicating files on certain servers
- Fixed a problem where the editor choice sometimes would not be remembered when the "Remember this editor choice" checkbox was checked
- Fixed a problem using Edit New with JavaScript files when Dashcode is the editor
- Improved compatibility of automatic passive mode with certain servers
- Improved compatibility with Chyron character generators
Fetch 5.5.1
- Fixed rare crashes when uploading caused by missing default editors
- Fixed rare crashes when opening preferences caused by missing default editors
- Fixed rare freezes when getting file lists
- Fixed delays in renaming items when the list of recent folders is very long
- Fixed a problem where pressing Return in the Put dialog inserted a space into the names of uploaded files
- Made it easier to select all files in the Put dialog when a single file is already selected
- Fixed a problem where file lists wouldn't be displayed when connecting to certain Windows servers and the "Use LIST -al" preference was selected
- Fixed a problem where folders would display as files when connected to certain Microsoft DFS servers
- Fixed a problem downloading folders that appear to contain files beginning with "._" from certain servers
- Fixed garbled text in confirmation dialog when dragging files to the Trash
- Fixed rare problem where Fetch Shortcuts window could become very short and not resizable
Fetch 5.5
The major new features in Fetch 5.5 are:
- Improved Edit command — you can now edit any kind of file using any application and the changes will automatically be saved back to the server
- Added automatic resume of stalled or failed uploads
- Added Quick Look support for previewing files on servers (Mac OS X 10.5 and later only)
- Made Get Info quicker by not calculating folder sizes until you ask for them
- Redesigned Recent Folders menu to improve readability and display of folder hierarchy
- Changed file list to remember the last sorting choice
- Added support for gestures on laptop trackpads: in the transfer window, swipe left to go back to previously viewed folder, swipe up to go to the parent folder, and swipe down to open the selected folder
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.5 are:
- Fixed missing modification dates in Put, Open, and Save dialogs on Mac OS X 10.5 and later
- Changed transfer window title bar and Recent Connections menu to show shortcut name instead of hostname when there’s a matching shortcut
- Changed transfer window title bar to list folder name first, followed by shortcut name or hostname
- Redesigned and streamlined purchase window
- Added Edit With menu for quickly editing a file with a non-default editor
- Improved Edit With command to let you to choose any compatible editing application
- Added "Remember this editor choice" option to Edit With dialog to permanently set a new editor for the selected kind of file
- Fixed Edit command to not open a file for editing a second time if that file is already being editing
- Added automatic retry when certain errors occur while deleting files
- Improved speed of deleting many files when Fetch is in the foreground
- Changed Command-O to be the keyboard shortcut for opening a remote folder, instead of opening a saved shortcut or mirror document
- Fixed a problem where Microsoft Office documents in the new Office XML Formats (such as .docx, .xlsx) were decoded into folders when downloaded
- Fixed a problem where the Back button would sometimes unexpectedly take you to the root folder instead of the previous folder
- Fixed incompatibilities between Fetch’s Edit command and old versions of BBEdit on Mac OS X 10.5 and later
- Fixed rare VAT calculation errors in the purchase window
- Changed Automatic upload format to use Zip Archive instead of StuffIt X Archive for preserving resource forks
- Disabled the "If a file already exists: Pick a different name" option in the Put dialog for FTP uploads
- Added information to transcript about which upload format or download mode was used to transfer a file
- Improved compatibility with servers that reset the connections at the end of uploads
- Fixed Put, Open, and Save dialogs to have all the features normally found in file dialogs on Mac OS X 10.5 and later
- Digitally signed Fetch application with trusted certificate, to reduce unnecessary firewall alerts
- Added "Quit Fetch after upload" option to droplet shortcuts
- Added option to create droplet shortcuts that upload using a specific format
- Added support for saving a shortcut in the Fetch Shortcuts window as a droplet shortcut
- Added Open Folder item to Go menu
- Added Command-T as keyboard shortcut for New Shortcut command
- Improved compatibility of Unicode (UTF-8) preferred encoding
- Added capability to display file sizes in terabytes (TB), petabytes (PB) and exabytes (EB)
- Changed Command-double-clicking on folders so that a new window opens only when a single folder is selected
- Changed list of Bonjour servers to exclude Macintosh that Fetch is running on
- Enabled Put command when a folder shortcut is selected
- Disallowed getting info on a shortcut
- Removed Get Quick Info command because the Get Info command no longer calculates folder sizes automatically, and thus is quick by default
- Disallowed pasting an item into itself when using copy and paste to transfer files
- Fixed a problem where selecting and then uploading nested items in Mac OS X’s list view would cause them to be uploaded twice
- Fixed a problem where the info window and file list cache date sometimes did not honor the date and time format settings from System Preferences
- Fixed a problem displaying the size of extremely large files in DOS-style file lists
- Fixed crash when trying to list files with extremely long names
- Fixed a problem saving edited files with CSSEdit on Mac OS X 10.5 and later
- Fixed a problem that caused certain PageSpinner files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem that caused certain disk images (.dmg) to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem that caused certain AIFF files created by Logic to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem that caused certain AppleWorks/ClarisWorks files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a rare problem where the Option key would be ignored when choosing from the Shortcuts menu
- Fixed failure to launch on Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"
- Fixed crash on launch when Desktop folder does not exist
- Fixed rare crash when uploading folders
- Fixed rare stalls when downloading small files from certain servers
- Fixed rare case where SFTP downloads would stall with certain servers
- Fixed very rare hang connecting to certain servers
- Fixed rare freeze when resizing transfer window with certain toolbar configurations
- Fixed rare stalls when connecting to certain FTP with GSSAPI servers that don’t support data encryption
- Improved warning dialog when connecting to an FTP with TLS/SSL server that doesn’t support encryption
- Fixed transcript window so that it doesn’t unexpectedly scroll to the bottom
- Improved recognition of URLs and paths entered in the Hostname field
- Fixed a problem where extra white space wasn’t removed from end of hostname and username fields in the New Connection dialog
- Made sure SFTP uploads and downloads transfer items in alphabetical order
- Changed name of Open command in file list and shortcut list window contextual menus to Open Folder
- Added Paste command to file list and shortcut list window contextual menus
- Added Put command to shortcut list window contextual menu
- Removed Get Info for Other command
- Added support for converting AppleScript objects to Fetch Items objects in Automator
- Fixed a problem where the Fetch Shortcuts contextual menu would not work when Fetch was in the background
- Fixed a rare problem where shortcut list window contextual menu choice would operate on transfer window instead of shortcut list
- Fixed a problem where clicked shortcut would not be selected when clicking on the Fetch Shortcuts window in the background
- Updated transcript to reflect new labels for firewall status in Mac OS X 10.5.1 and later
- Fixed a problem where the file list would sometimes not refresh correctly after Duplicate or copy/paste upload to an SFTP server
- Fixed a problem where filenames beginning with a period could still appear in the file list after checking "Omit filenames beginning with a period" preference
- Fixed a problem where transfer window wouldn’t accept drags from certain applications (including iTunes and Address Book)
- Improved some error messages, including ones for SSL errors
- Fixed rare crashes when uploading ClarisWorks files with Automatic upload format
- Fixed a problem detecting folders on certain VShell SFTP servers
- Enabled proxy password field for USER fireID@remoteHost proxy type
- Fixed disappearing hostname when Proxy hostname field contained leading spaces
- Fixed incorrect Proxy port setting when Proxy hostname field contained leading spaces
- Changed Fetch debug logging to use our own log file (~/Library/Logs/Fetch.log) instead of system.log, and to include transcript as well as debugging information
Fetch 5.3.1
- Fixed problems with paid software updates
- Fixed purchase problems on future versions of Mac OS X
Fetch 5.3
The major new features in Fetch 5.3 are:
- Improved compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
- Improved transfer window appearance on Mac OS X 10.5
- Redesigned toolbar and button icons with updated look for Mac OS X 10.5
- Added preference to turn off automatic decoding for all file types
- Digitally signed Fetch application, to reduce unnecessary keychain alerts
- Added support for Mac OS X 10.5’s application-specific firewall
- Added support for uploading files using Copy and Paste
- Added support for copying files on servers using Copy and Paste
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.3 are:
- Changed default download location to be the Downloads folder on Mac OS X 10.5
- Improved WebView’s Get from Safari button to list all open tabs when used with Safari 3
- Improved recognition of URLs and paths entered in the Hostname field
- Fixed "Cannot convert from CFNumber to CFBoolean" errors when .Mac Preferences syncing is enabled on Mac OS X 10.5
- Specified that the Fetch Automator actions should be listed under the Internet category on Mac OS X 10.5
- Specified that the Fetch Cache file should not be backed up by Time Machine on Mac OS X 10.5
- Marked passwords saved in the keychain by Fetch as "Fetch passwords"
- Disabled FTP with KClient connections on Mac OS X 10.5, because KClient (Kerberos v4) is no longer supported on 10.5
- Fixed a problem that caused certain QuickTime movies to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed problems saving shortcut list documents to SMB volumes and Windows-based Apple File Protocol (AFP) servers
- Added large (512 x 512) application and document icons for better appearance in Finder’s CoverFlow view
- Added alternate row shading to various windows for Mac OS X 10.5
- Added everyday language error messages for new Mac OS X 10.5 network error codes
- Updated transcript window to display information about new firewall settings in Mac OS X 10.5
- Fixed problems saving changes to Automator actions on Mac OS X 10.5
- Fixed error when adding Generate Fetch Item Report action to workflows on Mac OS X 10.5
- Fixed error when dismissing Delete Fetch Items action confirmation dialog on Mac OS X 10.5
- Fixed Set Fetch Item Permissions Automator action to allow you to set permissions to "000"
- Fixed incorrect icons of downloaded files in Downloads stack on Mac OS X 10.5
- Improved compatibility of FTPS uploads with CrushFTP servers
- Changed icon displayed for aliases (symlinks) on servers to a combination folder/file icon
- Fixed a problem where the file list contextual menu did nothing when Fetch was in the background
- Fixed crash when trying to update a corrupted widget
- Fixed problems parsing pasted URLs containing scheme names in all capitals
- Fixed rare assertion errors when opening Preferences window
- Improved behavior of URLs for VM servers
- Improved reliability of software update checks when the current version is up-to-date
- Updated "Rebuild Launch Services database" script to work on Mac OS X 10.5
Fetch 5.2.1
- Fixed slow transfers when Fetch is in the foreground on some Macintosh models
- Improved the speed of the Shortcuts and Go menus when they contain many items
- Fixed droplet shortcuts so they can be used with accounts limited by parental controls (managed accounts)
- Added information about a droplet shortcut’s destination to the Finder Get Info window
- Fixed problems with WebView and usernames that contain underscores
- Fixed errors when creating a WebView entry and a "View Source" window is open in Safari
- Improved compatibility with user-assigned keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed -981 and -982 errors when opening shortcut list windows and transcript windows with certain font setups
- Fixed a problem where Dashboard would sometimes be displayed without the user’s permission when updating the Fetch widget
- Fixed a problem where some SFTP errors would not be reported
- Fixed empty file lists on some servers that don’t support the LIST -al command
- Fixed a problem that caused some PageSpinner files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem where dates could be displayed as coming from the future on certain servers
- Fixed errors when checking for software updates through a proxy server
- Fixed incompatibility with Default Folder X and the path pop-up menu in the Put dialog
- Changed WebView to remove filenames from web addresses selected using the "Get from Safari" button
- Added Comcast FTP with TLS/SSL connections to the list of automatically created WebView entries
- Fixed a problem where Command-S was occasionally ignored the first time it was typed
- Fixed a problem where clicking on transfer window scroll bar would not make the window active
- Fixed problems entering multiple domains in the "Do not use proxy for" preference
- Fixed assertions when connecting after "Add filename extension when uploading" preferences had been changed
- Fixed rare -25308 error when connecting (caused by keychain problems)
- Fixed rare crashes when connecting to certain servers
- Fixed a crash caused by corrupt Fetch Cache file
- Changed Back command keyboard shortcut to Command-( in French translation
- Changed Command-double-clicking a folder to open the new transfer window in front of, not behind, the existing window
- Improved compatibility with CrushFTP Bonjour servers
- Improved some error messages
- Removed space from default name of new StuffIt archives to improve compatibility
- Disabled minimizing of Find window
Fetch 5.2
The major new features in Fetch 5.2 are:
- Added WebView — easily view files in your web browser and copy web addresses while in Fetch
- Added support for FTP with TLS/SSL (FTPS) connections (requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later)
- Added droplet shortcuts — drag files to a droplet shortcut’s icon to upload them to your server
- Overhauled FTP networking for improved compatibility and performance
- Moved Refresh button from an optional toolbar button to a permanent button on transfer window info bar
- Added Get As command that prompts you to choose a folder in which to save downloads
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.2 are:
- Fixed stalls when downloading large files from certain servers
- Fixed crash when using Get Specified Fetch Items action in an Automator workflow saved as an application
- Made Fetch the default FTP with TLS/SSL application when it is the default FTP application
- Fixed connections using SOCKS4 on Intel-based Macintosh computers
- Improved support for passive mode connections to servers through NATs with port-mapping
- Fixed problems with line endings when pasting transcripts into Eudora
- Fixed problem where a shortcut would be deselected after it was edited
- Removed need to activate a transfer window before dragging files from it
- Fixed a problem saving files with long file names when editing with TextMate
- Added keyboard shortcut (Option-Command-Down arrow) to open New Connection dialog filled out with information from the selected shortcut
- Fixed incorrect display of some filenames when the names contained dates
- Fixed problems printing some graphics on Intel-based Macintosh computers
- Changed text windows to use preferred encoding preference when displaying text
- Changed file list to automatically select new folder after creating it
- Changed default retry between connections delay to 5 seconds
- Improved compatibility with DiskXtender/UniTree servers
- Improved compatibility with Tops-20 servers
- Improved compatibility with Windows CE servers
- Improved compatibility with StuffIt 11
- Improved handling of usernames, shortcuts, and URLs that contain non-ASCII characters
- Removed multi-part BinHex decoding support, fixing potentially incorrect error messages when downloading corrupt BinHex files
- Fixed editing of shortcut paths in shortcut list windows
- Fixed a problem that prevented the Window menu from listing the Mirror window when it was opened via a mirror document
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts for rotating through shortcuts in non-English languages
- Fixed error when clearing "new name" field in Rename Fetch Items Automator action
- Improved error handling in Set Fetch Item Permissions Automator action
- Improved feedback in Automator actions when there are no recent connections or shortcuts to choose
- Fixed confirmation dialog of Delete Fetch Items action so that Escape key is equivalent to Cancel button
- Improved handling of URLs for remote folders, fixing some unnecessary file lists redraws
- Fixed a problem that could cause duplicate entries in the file list when "Save downloaded files to" was set to "Ask every time"
- Fixed Edit Other to not save files in incorrect folder in certain circumstances
- Fixed a problem where the Edit New File dialog was sometimes incorrectly displayed instead of the Edit Other dialog
- Fixed potential crash when sending AppleScript commands to multiple transfer windows simultaneously
- Prevented certain rare files from being incorrectly decoded as MacBinary
- Fixed a problem with AppleScript recording of "default text font size"
- Enabled "hide extension" checkbox when saving transcript and other text windows
- Fixed Path pop-up menu and transfer window title bar so they display Home icon again
- Fixed problems mirroring between Kerberos servers and non-Kerberos servers
Fetch 5.1.1
- Added support for SOCKS 5 password authentication
- Fixed a bug that prevented Fetch from opening on case-sensitive file systems
- Fixed a bug that prevented Fetch from opening on Mac OS X 10.3.9 when the BSD subsystem wasn’t installed
- Fixed problems importing shortcut files that include broken shortcuts
- Fixed recent connections so they won’t remember passwords that are not stored in the keychain
- Fixed widget crash on some Intel-based Macintosh computers (including Mac Pros and iMac Core 2 Duos)
- Fixed crash in Get Specified Fetch Items action on some Intel-based Macintosh computers (including Mac Pros and iMac Core 2 Duos)
- Some Mac Pros shipped with Mac OS X 10.4.7 Build 8K1079, which includes a bug that causes Fetch 5.1 to crash when you open a connection; affected Mac Pros need to be upgraded to Mac OS X 10.4.8 in order to run Fetch 5.1.1 or later
- Fixed inaccurate display of size of newly uploaded files when using SFTP
- Fixed problems with the Upload Files action in Swedish
- Fixed layout problems with the Rename Fetch Items action in Spanish
- Fixed tab navigation in Set Fetch Item Permissions action
- Fixed widget problems on Mac OS X Leopard Developer Preview
- Fixed potential crash when editing hostnames in shortcut list windows
- Fixed potential crash when setting URLs of shortcuts via AppleScript
- Fixed crash when typing in a blank shortcut list window
- Fixed inaccurate font size display for new shortcut list windows
- Changed new shortcuts created with Make Shortcut to default to kind Folder, instead of kind Unknown
- Added skEdit as a supported text editor
- Fixed a problem that caused some GoLive files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed drawing problems with some toolbar buttons when reducing transfer window width
- Fixed a problem where a Mirror document was saved with incorrect information after switching between local and remote tabs
- Fixed a problem where the incorrect folder could be mirrored after switching between local and remote tabs
- Fixed problems duplicating shortcut list windows with AppleScript
Fetch 5.1
The major new features in Fetch 5.1 are:
- Added support for Intel-based Macintosh computers — Fetch is now a Universal binary
- Added Fetch Dashboard widget, for easy uploading and checking on the progress of your transfer (the widget is installed automatically when you start Fetch)
- Added Automator actions for Fetch, including Upload Files, Download Files, Set Fetch Item Permissions, Rename Fetch Items, Move Fetch Items, and more
- Made the New Connection dialog modeless — you can now use other Fetch windows while the New Connection dialog is open
- Included StuffIt Engine with Fetch application — separate installation or updating of StuffIt is no longer required to use StuffIt support in Fetch
- Changed Zip Archive format to preserve Macintosh information (Fetch creates .zip files compatible with the Finder’s Create Archive feature)
- Changed shortcuts to always store passwords in the keychain (passwords stored in shortcuts will be moved to the keychain when you first run Fetch 5.1)
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.1 are:
- Added "Clear menu" item to the Recent Connections menu in the New Connection dialog
- Changed "Do not upload dot files in folders" preference to apply to both files and folders whose names begin with periods
- Added Shortcuts and Recent Connections submenus to Fetch Dock icon’s menu
- Fixed potential crashes when errors occur while Fetch is in the background
- Fixed high CPU usage when errors occur while Fetch is in the background
- Fixed problems launching Fetch due to bad fonts
- Improved compatibility with ProFTPD servers
- Improved compatibility with SnapOS servers
- Added AppleScript support for reading transfer time remaining, transfer rate, and transfer percent done
- Expanded AppleScript support for URLs and remote item properties
- Fixed a problem with AppleScript access when Fetch is hidden
- Fixed potential -30006 error when using "interarchy edit" AppleScript command
- Added .cfm (ColdFusion) files to the list of recognized text files
- Fixed a problem that caused some PageSpinner files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem that caused some files containing Suitcase resources to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem where some shortcut files for home folders opened to the root folder instead
- Fixed a crash caused by corrupt Fetch Cache file
- Fixed a problem importing Interarchy 8 bookmarks
- Fixed a problem where newly moved items were sometimes not shown in the file list
- Fixed unnecessary file list updates
- Changed upload behavior to refresh file lists before uploads begin, instead of afterwards
- Fixed a problem with the Set Upload Permissions command
- Fixed incorrect status message when a server-to-server transfer is interrupted
- Fixed mirror transfer failures caused by folders with quotes in their name
- Fixed missing characters when displaying long messages from servers
- Added support for specifying KClient and GSSAPI connections in FTP URLs
- Improved handling of URLs with empty passwords
- Fixed potential error when doing server-to-server mirror transfers from AppleScript
- Fixed problems with Copy URL and Enable/Disable Encryption keyboard shortcuts
- Improved tab order in Password prompt dialog
- Changed "Welcome to Fetch" dialog to display price of Fetch
- Changed file list to automatically select child folder after moving to parent
- Stopped scroll wheel from scrolling the active window when pointer is outside the window
- Made heart icon in New Connection dialog darker
Fetch 5.0.5
- Fixed incorrect icons of downloaded files on Mac OS X 10.4.3
- Fixed incorrect display of file size for downloaded files on Mac OS X 10.4.3
- Fixed incorrect icons of Microsoft Word (.doc) and Excel (.xls) files after downloading
- Stopped adding resource forks to downloaded files unnecessarily, which was causing some downloaded files to be larger than they were on the server
- Improved compatibility with Windows VanDyke VShell SFTP servers
- Fixed quit on launch caused by some Bonjour (Rendezvous) setups
- Fixed a problem that caused some ClarisWorks files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed a problem where cleared Recent Connections did not stay cleared unless you made another connection
- Improved detection of helper applications
- Fixed errors caused by removing a helper application while Fetch is running
- Improved error message when a helper application cannot be found
- Improved wording of French error messages
- Made it easier to troubleshoot firewall conflicts
- Fixed SFTP connections under Rosetta
- Improved Unicode compatibility in shortcuts
- Made disk image background display even when default is column view
- Fixed a problem where the name of the read me file was sometimes displayed as "ReadMe"
- Stopped displaying "delete stray items at destination" warning when opening mirror documents
- Removed automatic decoding of Unix compress (.Z) files
- Fixed "Add filename extension when uploading text files" and "Add filename extension when uploading other files" preferences
- Fixed error -666 reading corrupt Internet Config settings
- Fixed a problem where files with unknown extensions would try to open in Fetch after downloading
- Fixed a problem parsing certain file names that look like dates
- Fixed a problem that sometimes prevented URLs copied from transfer windows from being pasted into shortcuts windows
- Fixed error -30200 when using GSSAPI to connect to some servers
- Improved compatibility with ProFTPD’s mod_gss security
- Improved compatibility with OnMyCommand
Fetch 5.0.4 Release Notes
- Fixed problem with purchasing licenses
- Fixed automatic decoding of BinHex files
- Made adding filename extensions when uploading BinHex and MacBinary files the default again
Fetch 5.0.3 Release Notes
The major enhancements in Fetch 5.0.3 are:
- Added Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish localizations
- Made Fetch Help available as a downloadable PDF
- Added support for many more language encodings for displaying file lists, including Arabic and Simplified Chinese
- Fixed dog cursor so that it runs again during transfers
- Improved compatibility with VMS FTP servers
- Fixed delays going to sleep when Fetch was running
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5.0.3 are:
- Changed file list to not display VMS version numbers
- Increased precision of file size and amount transferred displays for files larger than 1 GB
- Fixed a problem where long file names could be scrambled on upload to Rumpus servers
- Fixed a problem with resuming downloads after a crash
- Fixed the "Use case-sensitive sorting" preference
- Fixed error -108 when choosing a Classic application as a helper application
- Fixed a problem that caused some EPS files to be stuffed on upload
- Fixed Put dialog so that it is no longer dismissed when the "Put As" field is clicked on Mac OS X 10.2
- Fixed folder navigation on UNIX servers that do not have a / root folder
- Fixed a problem that caused the Fetch Cache file to grow too large
- Fixed problems reading corrupt Fetch Cache files
- Fixed problems reading corrupt Internet Config settings
- Fixed problems launching Fetch on non-English systems after changing default text window font
- Fixed problems using local paths that contain non-ASCII characters in mirror documents
- Fixed problems opening shortcut and mirror documents after changing encodings
- Fixed a problem with disappearing shortcuts after changing encodings
- Fixed problems reading recent connections after changing encodings
- Fixed an error when quitting from AppleScript
- Fixed inconsistent display of port number in Proxy preferences pane
- Fixed a problem where the Mirror window would not remember its position after opening a mirror document
- Eliminated unnecessary password prompting when mirroring
- Fixed a problem where BBEdit was sometimes not selected as the default text editor
- Improved handling of StuffIt decoding errors
- Prevented pasting of carriage returns into filenames
- Fixed invalid hostname errors when importing certain Transmit favorites
- Fixed error -32768 on long downloads
- Fixed rare error -4960 messages when opening Fetch Shortcuts
- Fixed rare "port number is invalid" errors on launch
- Fixed rare "username is invalid" error on launch
- Fixed slow typing in Mirror connection dialog on Mac OS X 10.2
- Improved compatibility with OS/2 FTP servers
- Improved compatibility with Chyron character generators
Fetch 5.0.2 Release Notes
- Fixed delays when finding helper applications
- Fixed a conflict with Ittec that caused the New Connection dialog to be dismissed at startup
- Fixed a rare problem where SFTP passwords were displayed while being typed
- Fixed a problem with blank file lists from WebSTAR servers
- Added support for wide-area Bonjour
- Added script for fixing problems with locating helper applications
Fetch 5.0.1 Release Notes
- Improved reliability of uploads on Mac OS X 10.4
- Improved behavior of "Open files like this with" on Mac OS X 10.4
- Improved detection of helper applications
- Fixed problems when upgrading from certain Fetch 4 configurations
- Fixed crash caused by certain StuffIt configurations
- Fixed a problem launching Fetch when Courier or Monaco font is disabled
- Fixed a problem with incorrect dates on Windows servers
- Fixed a problem mirroring between two accounts on the same server
- Improved compatibility with MultiNet VMS SFTP servers
- Made behavior of Mirror window direction buttons less confusing
- Added .css to the list of recognized text files
Fetch 5 Release Notes
The major new features in Fetch 5 are:
- Added support for transferring files using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
- Redesigned the file transfer interface to include:
- New toolbar for easy access to common Fetch functions
- Back and Recent folders buttons for easier navigation
- File list that works more like the Finder list view
- Compact status pane at the bottom of transfer window
- Improved the Fetch user experience on Mac OS X
- Reworded error messages to use plain English
- Reorganized menus for clarity
- Added context-sensitive help, including help tags and extensive Apple Help book
- Added Automatic Passive Mode — automatic detection of proper connection mode for more reliable transfers through firewalls and NAT devices
- Added support for uploading files as StuffIt X Archives, Zip Archives, Gzip, or Gzipped Tar Archives
- Added support for automatically decoding StuffIt X, Zip, Gzip, Gzipped Tar, and many more formats when downloading
- Added support for resuming uploads of binary file transfers
- Added Bonjour (Rendezvous) support — Fetch will automatically detect and list FTP or SFTP servers available via Bonjour (formerly called Rendezvous)
- Made file transfers faster
- Added a file transfer progress indicator to the Dock icon
- Added a recent connections pop-up menu to the New Connection dialog
- Added automatic checks for updates to Fetch, with easy update downloading
- Added an easier, more powerful interface for setting file types, formats, and transfer options
- Added support for in-place renaming of files and editing shortcut information
- Added support for importing Transmit favorites and Interarchy bookmarks
- Improved compatibility with non-English servers
- Improved support for non-ASCII and Unicode filenames
- Improved compatibility with Windows, VMS, VM/CMS, VSFTPD, FileZilla, and WFTPD servers
Other fixes and improvements in Fetch 5 are:
- Enhanced the View command to automatically determine if a file is text or media
- Enhanced the Edit command to automatically determine if a file is text or an image
- Improved the Edit New File command so that it will not replace existing files
- Improved PDF viewing and printing
- Improved reliability when working with long file names and paths
- Improved Windows server compatibility
- Added support for automatically importing Transmit favorites and Interarchy bookmarks if no Fetch Shortcuts exist
- Enhanced the Recent Connections menu to remember and display last folder visited
- Added support for Command-double-click to open a folder in a new window
- Added support for Command-clicking on transfer window titles to display a path pop-up menu
- Added support for Command-clicking on info window titles to display a path pop-up menu
- Added support for creating shortcuts by dragging transfer window or info window proxy icons
- Streamlined the interface for putting (uploading) files
- Changed upload order so that items upload alphabetically
- Improved performance when using drag-and-drop with a large number of items
- Added support for automatically scrolling file lists when dragging items
- Improved Energy Saver compatibility
- Added a bigger, smoother, colorful running dog cursor
- Improved drag-and drop-feedback — Fetch now shows standard drag-and-drop cursors
- Added support for setting UNIX permissions in numeric, ls, or symbolic format
- Improved AppleScript support
- Improved AppleScript recording
- Improved Kerberos and GSSAPI compatibility and reliability
- Improved compatibility with intrusion detection firewalls
- Improved reliability of long-duration transfers
- Made mirror transfers more robust
- Improved accuracy of transfer statistics
- Improved reliability of BinHex decoding
- Improved reliability of viewing QuickTime VR panoramas
- Reorganized preferences