Your best friend for file transfer.
FetchFetch remembers the remote folders you've recently visited on each server so you can return to them quickly.
Recently visited folders are available:
- In the Go menu
- When you click the Recent button in the transfer window toolbar
Choosing one of the remote folder names from either location makes that folder the current folder and updates the file list.
The number of folders in the recently visited folders list depends on how many folders you've visited, and there may be no folders listed if you haven't made any connections or if you've used the Clear Menu command at the bottom of the Go menu. Fetch remembers a list of folders for each server you've used recently.
You can clear the list of folders with the Clear Menu command at the bottom of the Go menu. Otherwise, Fetch remembers the folders you've visited on each server in the last two weeks.
See the changing folders help topic for other ways to move between folders.
Related commands: