Your best friend for file transfer.

There are many different ways you can change to a different remote folder in Fetch. (You can tell which remote folder you are currently in by looking at the title bar of the transfer window, where the name of the current folder is displayed. If you are in your home folder, you'll see a house icon.)
In the file list, you can double-click a remote folder to make that subfolder the current folder. You can also select a folder and press Command-O or Command-Down arrow to make it the current folder.
To return to a folder you were previously viewing, click the Back button in the transfer window toolbar, or choose Go > Back.
Folders you have recently visited are listed at the bottom of the Go menu, or when you click the Recent button in the transfer window toolbar. Choose one of the folders listed to make that folder the current folder.
If you click the Path button in the transfer window toolbar, a pop-up menu shows a list of all the folders containing the current folder. Choose an item from the menu to make that the current folder. You can also get a path pop-up menu by Command-clicking the transfer window title bar.
You can go to the parent folder (the folder enclosing the current folder) by choosing Go > Parent Folder or pressing Command-Up arrow.
If you know the path of a folder you want to go to, you can go there directly by choosing Go > Go to Folder, and typing in the path.
Finally, you can return to your home folder — the folder you are taken to when you first connect to a server — by choosing Go > Home.
You can add Parent Folder, Go to Folder, and Home buttons to the transfer window toolbar with the View > Customize Toolbar command.