Your best friend for file transfer.

You can delete a shortcut altogether, or update an existing shortcut without recreating it from scratch.
To delete a shortcut:
- Choose Shortcuts > Show Shortcuts
- Select the shortcut in the Fetch Shortcuts window.
- Choose Edit > Delete , or press the Delete key.
- A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
You can also delete a shortcut by dragging it from the Fetch Shortcuts window the Mac OS Trash.
To change an existing shortcut:
- Choose Shortcuts > Show Shortcuts
- Select the shortcut in the Fetch Shortcuts window.
- Choose Shortcuts > Edit Shortcut .
- Edit any of the fields in the Edit Shortcut dialog. For more information about these choices, see the Edit Shortcut dialog help topic.
- Click OK to save your changes.
You can also open the Edit Shortcut dialog by Option-Shift-double-clicking a shortcut.
See the shortcuts help topic for more information about shortcuts.