Your best friend for file transfer.

Normally, when you connect to a VMS file server, Fetch does not display version numbers after the file names. However, on some VMS servers, you need the version number displayed in order to delete files or to indicate a specific version of a file to transfer.
You can use a "secret preference" to tell Fetch to display VMS version numbers in file lists. To do this:
- Quit Fetch.
- Open the Terminal application (in the Utilities folder of the Applications folder).
- Type (or copy from here, and paste) the following line:
defaults write com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch ShowVMSVersionNumbers -bool true
- Open Fetch again.
- You may need to refresh your file lists to see the version numbers.
To stop displaying VMS version numbers in file lists, repeat the above steps, except use -bool false
at the end of the line instead.