Your best friend for file transfer.

Fetch 5.8 is a 64-bit application, for compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina.
If you're a regular user of Fetch upgrading from an earlier version, see either the Fetch 5.8 for Fetch 5 Users or the Fetch 5.8 for Fetch 4 Users guide to learn about new features and changes.
See the summary of new features in Fetch 5.8 topic for a simple list of the major changes and improvements, or read the complete list of the changes, new features, and fixes in the Fetch 5.8 release notes.
AppleScript users should read the AppleScript changes help topic for information about changes to Fetch's AppleScript terminology.
The entire Fetch Help is available as a downloadable PDF file from the Fetch Softworks website. It serves as the Fetch manual.