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Put (3 posts)

  • Started 15 years ago by kelsi07
  • Latest reply 15 years ago from kelsi07
  • kelsi07 Member

    So I am having trouble remembering how to update my webpage. I update my folder which contains all of the items but Im not sure where to put it, because when I updated it with the current settings nothing happened. My website is

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • Scott McGuire Administrator


    The most common problem when trying to upload pages created with iWeb is that for your website to work correctly once you upload it, after you publish your website to a folder, you need to upload the contents of the folder - but not the folder itself - to your server.

    For example, let's assume your website is called "Family Trip", and when you use "Publish to a Folder," you tell iWeb to put its files in a folder called "My New Website."

    Once iWeb is done, in the Finder you will see:

    My New Website (folder)
      Family Trip (folder)

    Inside the "Family Trip" folder will be folders and files corresponding to each page of your website.

    For your website to work correctly, you must be sure to upload both that index file, and the website folder - that is, upload the entire contents of the "My New Website" folder, but don't upload the "My New Website" folder itself.

    Do not rearrange or rename files before uploading, or your website will stop working.

    Here are our recommended iWeb upload instructions:

    1. Create a folder on your desktop with the name of your website (something like "My Website March 5").
    2. In iWeb, go to the File menu, and choose Publish to a Folder.
    3. You will be prompted to choose a folder to put your website files in. Choose the folder you created on your desktop.
    4. iWeb will export the files that make up your website.
    5. Open Fetch.
    6. Enter the information for your server into the New Connection dialog and click Connect.
    7. A new window listing the folder and files on your server appears. This is the Fetch transfer window.
    8. In the transfer window, open the folder where you want to put your website files. You can change to a different folder by double-clicking on its icon. (Note that on some servers you do not need to change to a different folder.)
    9. Open the website folder you created on your desktop. You will see an index.html and one or more folders.
    10. Select all of these and drag them to the transfer window of Fetch.
    11. Fetch will start uploading your files and folders. The dog cursor runs until Fetch has finished putting your files on to the server.
    12. Once Fetch has finished uploading, visit your website to make sure it looks correct.

    If this does not help and you're still having problems, let us know.


    Scott McGuire
    Fetch Softworks

    Posted 15 years ago #

  • kelsi07 Member


    Posted 15 years ago #


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