Your best friend for file transfer.

A single-user license for Fetch 5.8 is $29 US. You can purchase a license by choosing Purchase from the Fetch menu. Users at educational or non-profit charitable organizations (government research laboratories excepted) may apply for a free license. Multi-user licenses are also available. For more information, visit our website.
Upgrades to Fetch 5.8 are free for registered users of Fetch 5.5 and later, or if you purchased Fetch after January 28, 2009. Otherwise, registered users of Fetch 5.3.1 and earlier can upgrade for $10. To upgrade, choose Purchase Upgrade from the Fetch menu.
You can try Fetch for free for 15 days. Fetch is fully functional during the trial period.
If your Fetch menu does not have a Purchase or Purchase Upgrade menu item, your copy of Fetch already has a valid license. Choose About Fetch from the Fetch menu to view the license serial number. Visit the Fetch Softworks website if you wish to purchase additional copies.