Your best friend for file transfer.

Fetch supports a few different types of connections to servers: FTP (no security), SFTP, and FTP with TLS/SSL (FTPS). Not all servers support all these choices; be sure the server you're connecting to supports your choice, or you will receive an error.
You can specify the connection type with the Connect Using pop-up menu in the New Connection dialog and New Shortcut dialog. The security of a connection is indicated by a padlock icon just above the file list in transfer windows and in shortcut list windows.
The most common type of connection. A plain FTP connection, with no extra security beyond possibly asking for a password — your data and password are not protected or encrypted in any way. (Some servers use One-time Password or S/Key to protect the password.)
SFTP stands for "SSH File Transfer Protocol." When you connect to a server using SFTP, it uses SSH encryption to protect the connection between your Macintosh and the server. This protects your password and your data, preventing an eavesdropper from watching and learning them as they travel over the network. See the SFTP help topic for more information.
Also known as FTPS. When you connect to a server using FTP with TLS/SSL, it uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSH (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect the connection between your Macintosh and the server. This protects your password and optionally your data, preventing an eavesdropper from watching and learning them as they travel over the network. Normally Fetch uses the AUTH TLS (also known as FTPES or Explicit SSL) method of establishing FTP with TLS/SSL connections; to use SSL connect (also known as Implicit SSL) select this option and enter 990 in the Port field. See the FTP with TLS/SSL help topic for more information.
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