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Fetch 5.7.2 ready for Mountain Lion by Jim Matthews

Today we released Fetch 5.7.2, a bug-fix update to Fetch 5.7. This release makes Fetch ready for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, expected later this month.

The changes include:

  • Added compatibility with the Gatekeeper feature of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
  • Changed the Edit command to not open editor windows in front when Fetch is in the background
  • Fixed a problem that caused crashes when the Fetch.log file could not be created
  • Fixed a problem where an SFTP passphrase for a server using Two Factor Authentication was not hidden
  • Fixed a problem where the modification dates of uploaded files were temporarily displayed in UTC
  • Fixed a problem with using Preview as an editor on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
  • Improved compatibility with Windows NT servers

For a complete list of changes, see the Fetch 5.7.2 Release Notes.

Fetch 5.7.2 is a free update if you purchased your Fetch license after January 28, 2009; otherwise an upgrade is $10, and a new license is $29.

Please download Fetch 5.7.2 from the Fetch Download page, or by choosing Check for Update… from the Fetch menu in an earlier version, and let us know what you think of the new release.

In other news:


  • Thanks Jim — I’ve been waiting for Fetch to upgrade from Snow Leopard to Lion – now I can go straight to Mountain Lion! Thanks great news.

    Keith Hutchison July 26, 2012
  • I still get crashes every run.

    8/17/12 3:25:31.819 PM Fetch Console Logger[52948]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    8/17/12 3:25:31.819 PM Fetch Console Logger[52948]: File “/Applications/”, line 43, in
    8/17/12 3:25:31.819 PM Fetch Console Logger[52948]: raise RuntimeError(“Whatever”)
    8/17/12 3:25:31.819 PM Fetch Console Logger[52948]: RuntimeError: Whatever
    8/17/12 3:25:32.451 PM ReportCrash[52928]: Saved crash report for Fetch[52946] version 5.7.2 [5H612, Web Store] (​5.7.2) to /Users/slagell/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Fetch_2012-08-17-152532_prometheus.crash

    Adam Slagell August 17, 2012
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks for commenting. Could you submit the crash log to ? We’ll see what’s causing the crash.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews August 17, 2012
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