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Fetch on Lion by Jim Matthews

We are pleased to report that Fetch 5.6, the current release, works well with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.

We have identified two compatibility issues that may affect some users:

  • The Fetch Dashboard Widget does not work under Lion, and we recommend that users use droplet shortcuts instead.
  • Due to a bug in Automator in Lion, users may see -1708 errors when opening or saving Automator workflows including certain combinations of Fetch Automator actions. We have reported this problem to Apple, and hope it will be addressed in a future system update.

In other news:


  • My Fetch 5.7 (5H314, Web Store) does not work with Lion 10.7.3. It crashes as soon as it establishes a connection. It’s a real drag.

    Robert Hickman April 26, 2012
  • Hi Robert,

    Try Fetch 5.7.1, which you can download from . Let us know if it doesn’t fix the problem.

    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews April 26, 2012
  • I have just installed Lion 10.7.4 and Fetch is now crashing. I can make a connection alright but any further action like trying to up load, create a shortcut or mirror and it crashes. I have reported all instances to Apple.

    There seems to have been a problem for sometime now judging from this list. Is any progress being made to a fix? I need my ftp client to be working! Thanks.

    Claire Wright May 28, 2012
  • Hi Claire,

    Have you tried downloading Fetch 5.7.1 from ?


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews May 28, 2012
  • Are you coding the next version of Fetch to include/use 1Password from within Fetch?

    Ian July 9, 2012
  • Hi,

    Thanks for that suggestion. Apparently there’s no way to access 1Password from within an app like Fetch (as opposed to a web page). See this discussion on the 1Password website:


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews July 10, 2012
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