Your best friend for file transfer.

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Thirty Years of Fetch by Jim Matthews

Thirty years ago today my colleagues in the Computing Services department at Dartmouth College were preparing for the distribution of about 1,000 Macintosh SEs, SE/30s, and Mac IIxs, and they needed to start duplicating the floppy disks of software that would be bundled with those Macs. So that was the day I finished Fetch 1.0, the Mac file transfer program that I had been working on all summer.

Many years later I started marketing Fetch as “the original Mac FTP client,” which is sort of accurate. There were Mac FTP clients before Fetch, starting with ports of the UNIX command line ftp client. The first Mac FTP client I ever saw with a graphical user interface was Amanda Walker’s, included in the InterCon product TCP/Connect. There was also Doug Hornig's HyperCard-based FTP client from Cornell called HyperFTP. But as far as I know there weren’t any other stand-alone FTP clients with a Mac user interface in September, 1989, and there certainly weren’t any that are still maintained today.

Fetch’s longevity has been a continual surprise to me. Most application software has the life expectancy of a field mouse. Of the thousands of other Mac apps on the market on September 1, 1989 I can only think of four (Panorama, Word, Excel and Photoshop) that are still sold today. [UPDATE: There are quite a few others.] Fetch 1.0 was released into a world with leaded gasoline and a Berlin Wall; DVD players and Windows 95 were still in the future. The Fetch icon is a dog with a floppy disc in its mouth; at this point it might as well be a stone tablet.

I developed Fetch to solve a specific problem at Dartmouth: we had a bunch of different kinds of central computers — UNIX, VMS, VM/CMS, DCTS — and no easy way to move files between them and the thousands of Macs on campus. But 1989 also brought Dartmouth’s first full-time connection to the Internet, and soon Fetch was being used more for downloading files from far-flung Internet archives than it was for moving files across campus. When the early 1990s brought the first graphical web browsers, I figured Fetch’s relevance had passed; web browsers could download files too, and do so much more. But people didn’t just want to browse web pages, they also wanted to create them and upload them to web servers. For some reason web browsers never got very good at uploading files, and as the web exploded in popularity that left a big niche for FTP clients like Fetch to fill. It’s a niche that has shrunk in recent years, as more sophisticated forms of Internet publishing have become available, but to my amazement it still exists today.

In 2000, when I used game show winnings to buy the rights to Fetch from Dartmouth, it looked like Fetch’s best days were behind it. But that wasn’t the case, thanks to the efforts and high standards of Ben Artin and Scott McGuire, who joined Fetch Softworks and turned Fetch into a real professional product. Fetch made the jump from Classic MacOS to OS X, and from PowerPC to Intel. It got a professionally designed website and UI artwork. I never really knew how to promote Fetch, but word got around, and today our customer database includes orders from 212 different countries, from Andorra to Zimbabwe.

I suppose it isn’t surprising that after a couple decades the excitement of working on file transfer software began to wane. In 2011 we tried to branch out into iPad apps, which was fun and novel and lost money. So I turned back to Fetch, and started work on a total rewrite: Fetch 6. At that point Fetch had over 20 years of testing and debugging, but the source code also had cruft and compromises that had been bugging me for over 20 years. I imagined a new Fetch that had all the improvements that I’d daydreamed about, and none of the old code that made it so hard to implement new features.

This, of course, is one of the classic blunders in software development. It was exhilarating to be free of the shackles of our legacy code. But with a blank slate and no clear destination or deadline, we spent years without getting anywhere close to having a product that we could actually sell. Meanwhile Fetch 5 stagnated, and customers who needed more than Fetch 5 could offer moved on. Sales declined year after year, and Fetch Softworks went from having 3 full time employees and a couple part-time contractors to being a nights-and-weekends effort for two of us.

That experience wasn’t fun, but there was a silver lining. I resumed doing Fetch tech support, and day after day heard from users who still preferred Fetch to the alternatives. I’d been focused on all the things I wanted to change about Fetch, but they were still using it because they liked it the way it was.

In January, 2018 I finally accepted that I wasn’t going to make Fetch 6 happen. Apple had made it clear that 32-bit apps like Fetch 5.7 weren't long for this world, so it looked like the time had come to lay Fetch to rest for good. But I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye, and it occurred to me that there was a third option, something between finishing Fetch 6 and letting Fetch die: I could port Fetch 5.7’s Carbon user interface to Cocoa and make a 64-bit Fetch 5.8. I wish I’d had that idea 5 or 10 or 15 years earlier, but there you have it.

Fetch 5.8 is now in beta testing; you can sign up to test it here. It currently implements about 90% of Fetch 5.7.7’s features with about 50% of Fetch 5.7.7’s reliability. When I can get those numbers up to 95% and 99%, respectively, I’ll release it as a free upgrade.

Once 5.8 is out I will try to fix bugs and keep it compatible with new OS releases, but I don’t expect to add new features. I think of it being like one of those bands that you’re surprised to see is still touring decades after their last hit. They can still play that song you loved, but you won’t see them on the charts. I don’t expect that Fetch will still be around for its 40th Birthday in 2029. But I’ve been wrong before.

In other news:


  • I have been a beta tester for several weeks, and as far as I am concerned the bugs that I found in the first betas have gone away. And reliability plus feature set is where I personally need it. It is heartening to know that you have taken the effort to do this.

    Tim Lethbridge September 4, 2019
  • Best news I heard all week. If 5.8 becomes available, I will drop the sophisticated replacement and use Fetch again.

    Graham K Rogers September 4, 2019
  • I started as a freshman at Dartmouth in 1989, the first year Macs were “required”, and, apparently, the first year of Fetch. I was a student worker at Kiewit and thought it was super cool that I worked down the hall from the guy who developed Fetch! I used it it all through my college career; then when I was running my own website through the 90’s and early 2000’s and now I manage an IT team at MIT, where we provide licenses for it as the recommended Mac FTP client for the entire community here. Thanks for a wonderful product, and all the memories!

    Matthias Thorn September 4, 2019
  • I’m smiling as I write this. First used the free version of Fetch, then, when it became a pay product, happily (well, okay…not unhappily) bought in. I’ve been updating and using it ever since—am using it heavily this last week.

    Others came and went from my Applications folder: Captain, Transmit, a few more I’ve forgotten. Nothing wrong with them but no reason to change. Fetch was/is an old friend.

    Thanks for sharing your story, but mostly, thanks for creating Fetch!

    Fred Ehmann September 5, 2019
  • Really glad Fetch will remain functional with the next update. I’ve got years of bookmarks in place and it’s just the easiest program to use. I *could* transfer everything to another app…but happy our old friend Fetch will make that unnecessary. Here’s to the next 10 years!

    Rick Lupert September 10, 2019
  • Thank you for this Interesting history!
    What about SuperCard from 1989 and still continuing?
    I’m wondering if you talk with Scott Simon and Mark Lucas at who have faced similar issues?

    Daniel J Kelleher September 10, 2019
  • I’ve been using Fetch since sometime in the 1990s, I’m not even sure when. The whimsical puppy icon told me this is the right FTP client for me. I still use it today to maintain the website for my own customers. Jim, thank you for sticking with us, your business makes mine possible!

    Michael Gibbs September 10, 2019
  • Here att University of Gothenburg we are running a virtual MicroVAX 3100-98 with OpenVMS 6.2 which is even older than Fetch 🙂 Fetch has always been there to transfer files back and forth between this old system and our modern desktops. Since the old system runs an important and equally old study we are very happy that Fetch is still around. Keep up the good work!

    Björn Henning September 10, 2019
  • I am gratified to hear Fetch will become 64 bit. This has been a godsend these past 15 years, and one I recommend to other ‘not every day, but more than once a month’ users, like me. I am grateful for the effort you are putting into this, and anxious for that 99% threshold!

    Irene September 11, 2019
  • Since the ’80s and ’90s, Fetch has always been –and, likely, will always be– my go-to tool for transfers to and from VMS (and its unique filespec conventions). There’s nothing quite like it (Fetch…and VMS).

    Without Fetch, the other way to get files to/from VMS would be Email. Not exactly convenient.

    ted crane September 17, 2019
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