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Fetch and Catalina by Jim Matthews

Fetch 5.7.7, the current official release, is not compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina. I am working on Fetch 5.8, a 64-bit Catalina-compatible update, and hope to finish it soon. In the meantime, if you have upgraded to Catalina I would encourage you to sign up for the Fetch 5.8 beta test list at this link:

Fetch 5.8 Beta Test List

You will receive a download link to the latest Fetch 5.8 beta version, which will run on Catalina, and you will be notified when there are new beta releases.

If you purchased Fetch 5.7 from the App Store you will need a serial number to run Fetch 5.8 beta releases. You can contact Fetch Support for assistance.

In other news:


  • Thank you. I have been using Fetch for years.

    David Black October 20, 2019
  • Thank you for the information. I upgraded to Catalina today and, much to my surprise, Fetch became unusable. We need to use an alternative to publish this week’s paper. Look forward to your update.

    Tom October 21, 2019
  • It shouldn’t have been to anyone’s surprise, I’ve been getting the error on startup stating it will not work in future macOS versions for years. One main reason I won’t be updating to Catalina any time soon, I run many legacy 32-bit applications and plugins that will just not work under Catalina.

    Ben Reeves October 22, 2019
  • Any idea when the beta will be ready?

    Lonnie Spivak October 22, 2019
  • Much appreciate your upgrading to 64 bit. Have used Fetch since ’89 – and did try a few others at one time. None as clean and minimalist. Like the very usable tool one keeps in a drawer. Just perfect for the job each time. An upgrade price would seem appropriate after all your new work.

    John Servais October 24, 2019
  • Upgrading to Catalina? Big mistake. Now I’ve got 13 damn programs I have to figure out how to upgrade. Fetch is first, let’s get to that beta version

    Frazier October 24, 2019
  • I’m happy to read that 5.8 will be 64 bit. I’m using Fetch since 1999 and it is the most reliable, simple to use, FTP-app!

    Jan Willem October 25, 2019
  • Hey there! I’ve been using ‘Fetch’ for decades. Simple to use, love to watch dogs running:) I hope he will continue to run. Love:)

    Burcu October 27, 2019
  • I use an applescript to run fetch. Anybody know whether a script that runs in 5.7 will work in 5.8 under catalina?

    tcpms October 30, 2019
  • The latest Fetch 5.8 beta does not support AppleScript. I plan to restore AppleScript support, but I don’t know when that will happen.

    Jim Matthews October 30, 2019
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