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Fetch 5.5.1 Available by Jim Matthews

Today we released Fetch 5.5.1, a bug-fix update to Fetch 5.5. This release fixes a number of problems reported by 5.5 users.

The changes include:

  • Fixed rare crashes when uploading caused by missing default editors
  • Fixed rare crashes when opening preferences caused by missing default editors
  • Fixed rare freezes when getting file lists
  • Fixed delays in renaming items when the list of recent folders is very long
  • Fixed a problem where pressing Return in the Put dialog inserted a space into the names of uploaded files

For a complete list of changes, see the Fetch 5.5.1 Release Notes.

Fetch 5.5.1 is a free update if you purchased your Fetch license after January 28, 2009; otherwise an upgrade is $10, and a new license is $29.

Please download Fetch 5.5.1 from the Fetch Download page, or by choosing Check for Update… from the Fetch menu in an earlier version, and let us know what you think of the new release.

In other news:


  • i doubt this will ever be visible to the public, but i think it sux that you are now charging for upgrades for a product i paid for a long time ago. greedy bastards!

    ron July 14, 2009
  • Hi ron,

    Yes, Fetch 5.5 is a paid upgrade ($10) from earlier releases. It’s our first paid upgrade in four years, and we think our customers will find it well worth the price. But you certainly do not have to upgrade if you do not think it’s worth it to you.

    Jim Matthews July 14, 2009
  • I don’t intend to upgrade because I don’t have any problems with my current version of Fetch (5.3.1) … however, when the time comes that I need an upgrade I will pay the reasonable upgrade fee without complaint. Fetch is an outstanding tool that has been around a long time. I’ve used it for MANY years and am delighted with its capabilities and performance. Please don’t let comments from rude and ungrateful users lead you to believe otherwise. I’m sure 99.999% are content with both the product and your FAIR pricing.

    Kathi July 16, 2009
  • $10 seems pretty reasonable update fee to me for what I’m getting — the fruits of a *lot* of hard work, debugging and support. Don’t let the negative commenters discourage you!

    Brian July 18, 2009
  • i happily paid the $10. Great product, been using it for years. Nothing beats it.

    cowboycoffee July 18, 2009
  • I think you guys price your software very reasonably, and I absolutely love it.

    I have recommended all of my mac friends to try fetch, and the ones who did don’t regret it

    Dustin July 20, 2009
  • agree with Kathi, Brian and cowboycoffee
    I’ve never used anything else
    Happy to pay for this overdue upgrade
    Only Fetch as fetch can

    Greg August 12, 2009
  • I have happily purchased the upgrade for my desktop, do I have to purchase it again for my laptop? Seems that if you have already purchased the upgrade, you should be able to use it for a desktop and a laptop owned by the same person.

    Andrea Stevenson August 13, 2009
  • No, you do not need to purchase another license for your laptop.

    Jim Matthews August 13, 2009
  • I’m entirely happy to pay for such an upgrade after so long using it.

    Thanks very much.

    Chris August 28, 2009
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