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Fetch 5.5.1 Available by Jim Matthews

Today we released Fetch 5.5.1, a bug-fix update to Fetch 5.5. This release fixes a number of problems reported by 5.5 users.

The changes include:

  • Fixed rare crashes when uploading caused by missing default editors
  • Fixed rare crashes when opening preferences caused by missing default editors
  • Fixed rare freezes when getting file lists
  • Fixed delays in renaming items when the list of recent folders is very long
  • Fixed a problem where pressing Return in the Put dialog inserted a space into the names of uploaded files

For a complete list of changes, see the Fetch 5.5.1 Release Notes.

Fetch 5.5.1 is a free update if you purchased your Fetch license after January 28, 2009; otherwise an upgrade is $10, and a new license is $29.

Please download Fetch 5.5.1 from the Fetch Download page, or by choosing Check for Update… from the Fetch menu in an earlier version, and let us know what you think of the new release.

In other news:


  • Thanks for the support!

    Rodger August 29, 2009
  • Unlike some commenters, I have used several other products, before arriving at Fetch. And I just saw a new FTP interface from a website host. PLEASE!!! Give me the PUPPY!!
    I’ll pay the $10 bucks – especially after today’s experience. Ron, you need to man up.

    Bluwtrsal September 26, 2009
  • what’s the dog’s name?


    allan Marcus September 28, 2009
  • We haven’t named the dog, actually. Suggestions are welcome :).

    Jim Matthews September 29, 2009
  • Can you tell me which versions of Fetch are compatable with OS 10.4.11

    Wes Stafford October 16, 2009
  • Every version of Fetch from 5.0 to 5.5.2 (the latest) is compatible with Mac OS X 10.4.11. We recommend 5.5.2.

    Jim Matthews October 16, 2009
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