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Fetch on Lion by Jim Matthews

We are pleased to report that Fetch 5.6, the current release, works well with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.

We have identified two compatibility issues that may affect some users:

  • The Fetch Dashboard Widget does not work under Lion, and we recommend that users use droplet shortcuts instead.
  • Due to a bug in Automator in Lion, users may see -1708 errors when opening or saving Automator workflows including certain combinations of Fetch Automator actions. We have reported this problem to Apple, and hope it will be addressed in a future system update.

In other news:


  • I bought this and have never seen an update. What’s the deal? Is Fetch no longer being developed? Should I switch to Transmit or ForkLift?

    When July 21, 2011
  • Fetch 5.6 has been a very stable release, so it has not been necessary to release a bug-fix follow-up. Instead we have been working hard on a new release with some new features. Stay tuned!

    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews July 22, 2011
  • Are there any plans to fix the widget issue for Lion in 5.6?


    Kevin July 23, 2011
  • Hi Kevin,

    No, we do not have plans to fix the widget on Lion. Apple has made changes to Lion that make continued compatibility for the widget very difficult. Instead, we are recommending that people switch to using droplet shortcuts.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews July 23, 2011
  • Oh ok, thanks for the response. Love your product.

    Kevin July 24, 2011
  • I am not convinced that Fetch 5.6 works with Lion. I get lots of -1712 errors when I try to open a file straight into SubEthaEdit.

    Hans Marks July 24, 2011
  • Thanks, Hans, for alerting us to this issue. I’ve reproduced the problem on my computer. I also checked a few other text editors (BBEdit, TextMate, TextWrangler), and the problem appears to be specific to SubEthaEdit. I will contact the SubEthaEdit developers (you can file a bug report at, and I encourage you to do the same. Together we should be able to come up with a solution.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews July 24, 2011
  • I created a bug report with SubEthaEdit.

    Hans Marks July 24, 2011
  • On a Macbook with Lion I get a bouncing dog in the dock, but no Fetch. Other apps do the same but not all. Regards

    Pat Naismith July 26, 2011
  • Hi Pat,

    Please email your Fetch.log file to . We will try to figure out what is keeping Fetch from launching on your MacBook.


    Jim Matthews
    Fetch Softworks

    Jim Matthews July 26, 2011
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