Your best friend for file transfer.

Fetch does not automatically make a backup copy of your shortcuts. If you want to back up your shortcuts — as displayed by the Shortcuts pop-up menu or in the Fetch Shortcuts window — to a file for safe-keeping, use the Save a Copy As menu command:
- Choose Shortcuts > Show Shortcuts to display the Fetch Shortcuts window.
- Choose File > Save a Copy As.
- You will be prompted to name the file and choose a location to save it.
- Click Save, and a new file containing all your shortcuts will be saved to your disk.
Note that this only saves your shortcuts; it will not save your recent connections. There is no way inside Fetch to back up your recent connections, although if you back up your Macintosh they will be backed up as part of the Fetch preferences (com.fetchsoftworks.Fetch.plist). You should create a shortcut for any important recent connection.
This also does not save your passwords, which Fetch stores in the Mac OS X keychain. To back up your keychain:
- In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder.
- Type "~/Library" and click Go.
- Find the folder named "Keychains" and back it up
To restore your shortcuts after you have used the steps above:
- Either:
- In the Finder, double-click the backup file you created using the steps above;
- Or choose File > Open in Fetch, and navigate to and select the backup file you created using the steps above.
- You should now have two shortcut list windows open, one or both named "Fetch Shortcuts".
- Choose Edit > Select All in the window containing the shortcuts you want to restore.
- Drag the selected shortcuts to the other "Fetch Shortcuts" window.
- Close the window containing your backed-up shortcuts.
See the shortcuts help topic for more information about shortcuts.
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