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Fetch Icon Fetch Help > Commands > Delete

The Delete command lets you delete shortcuts from a shortcut list window, remove entries from the Resume Download window, or delete text in an edit field.

This command is available as:

To delete shortcuts, select them in the Fetch Shortcuts window or another shortcut list window and choose the Delete command. You can also delete shortcuts by selecting them and pressing the Delete key, or by dragging them to the Mac OS Trash icon.

You will be asked for confirmation before any shortcuts are deleted. Deleting shortcuts cannot be undone. Note that Delete only removes the shortcuts; it does not delete any of the remote items the shortcut refers to.

If you have selected multiple shortcuts and give confirmation, all the shortcuts will be deleted.

To remove entries in the Resume Download window, select the entry and choose the Delete command, or press the Delete key.

To delete remote files or folders, or to delete the remote files or folders referred to by shortcuts, use the Delete Item command in the Remote menu instead.